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dimanche, décembre 23, 2007


Do love the Clintons. Absolutely. Their wisdom in the next White
House administration is essential if the Demos take it back. Consider
the vital force of the Obama campaign? If he starts to take more
states on the way to super duper Tues., he is going to need California
to send the message of elect-ability to the nation. Hillary can be VP
if she'll take the post and we can get a woman to the White House in
that role. Obama needs your vote in the primary? Think hard about
the past 7 years of the Bush era.

What message does it send to the world and the markets if we put
Obama-Hillary in to lead the nation? Talk to Hillary. We are going
to need her as a VP. She can't leave now. She can't walk away now.
The fight for human rights, health, education of our people, this
country and the Earth and what we stand for has begun. As Obama says,
"America our moment is ...".


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