This page and the listed discussion groups about Harvard are not affiliated with or sponsored by Harvard University or the Harvard Alumni Association.

jeudi, mai 26, 2005

Harvard-Cornell SF Networking "Peops" Happy Hour Thursday, June 23rd, 2005

You are invited to an open all ages, all programs,
friends of Harvard and Cornell grads in the area,
networking Happy Hour; 6 PM - 9 PM Thursday, June
23rd, 2005 at Kennedy's Irish Pub and Curry House,
1040 Columbus. Please RSVP to me at .
[paste above all on one browser line]

Jane Lee the VP of Comm. for Bay Area Cornell grads
will have her "peops" there as she is fond of saying.
This Happy Hour is predicated on the one in April 2005
where we packed both levels of the Jade bar on Gough;
and remember the one at Tonic Harvard-Cornell-Univ. of
Fla-UNC-Columbia-MIT in the Russian Hill district we
had before that. Thanks Marvin K. for putting
Kennedy's on our radar screen.


Perry Gregg
VP Communications, Board of Directors
Harvard Club of San Francisco
Nob Hill
800 Powell Street
San Francisco, California 94108

jeudi, mai 19, 2005

Re[What About Game Theory?]: Harvard University Reports On The Task Force On Women Faculty

In response to the call for comments from alumni about
the Subject line, and to respond to this "comment"
e-mail address; this Task Force needs to meet and
consider the Game Theory analysts at the Business
School and in the various Math Depts. The proximate
cause of why minorities and women and others with
differences struggle especially later in their careers
is because they run into mature coalitionally stable
payoff configurations. It is taught at Harvard that
this is a naturally occurring sociological phenomenon.
It is commonly agreed upon in the field that
coalitions stick around until an outside force of
greater strength has a reason to bust them up. The
typical scenario covered is managers that do unhealthy
things in companies and circle the wagons to keep it
going even if it is not in the best interest of the
overall enterprise. If you want to fix this situation
at Harvard it is my personal opinion that you need to
ask these questions. (1) Do we have unhealthy
coalitions in our ranks that make it difficult for
individual women and minorities and others with
differences to achieve using their work product alone
as a merit badge? (2) Can we, or should we encourage
coalitions favorable to women and minorities and others
with differences and their respective promotions to
allow Game Theory "dummies" a chance to be relevant?
(3) Do Game Theory models fit the behavior of the
faculty and the externalities we are seeing? (4) What
are you going to do if you assess that faculty
promotion is based upon "imperfect" information for
the participants; which would imply in such a scenario
that secrets matter? [The opinions expressed are my
own. By "others with differences" I'd like that to
mean let's not make this discussion a polarizing one
having to do with gender and ethnicity alone; the
principles learned could apply to many other
differences and we should try to find a way to make
what is studied look for a general solution that would
be equitable to everyone.]



* * *

Perry Gregg
VP Communications, Board of Directors
Harvard Club of San Francisco
Nob Hill
800 Powell Street
San Francisco, California 94108

dimanche, mai 15, 2005

Need Help With The HCSF Newsletter, Design Person

The standard is raised on the Harvard Club of San Francisco Newsletter. Here is the one we did for the Spring, . You'll see we've moved to where we should be past the text version as the sole means of communication. The template is in Adobe InDesign. I have the content for the 4 pages for the "Summer" version. I could use assistance from someone with a good visual eye and associated graphics tools skills. Contact me if you are interested. We have the system down for how to do it; I'm pressed for time and could use a hand. I'll run it up the chain and by the Board and get you approved to work with the Club. I'll take care of that part of it.

Perry Gregg
VP Communications, Board of Directors
Harvard Club of San Francisco
Nob Hill
800 Powell Street
San Francisco, California 94108

jeudi, mai 12, 2005

Trammeled Promotion

If you have a web page consider adding a sign up or
subscribe button to help promote the strength of us
being together on the harvard-sf network.

As done for everyone on the list, I screen applicants
to make sure they have a Harvard e-mail address so
don't worry about that. All ages, language
backgrounds and programs are welcome.



* * *

Perry Gregg
VP Communications, Board of Directors
Harvard Club of San Francisco
Nob Hill
800 Powell Street
San Francisco, California 94108

dimanche, mai 08, 2005

All Ages Multi-lingual Harvard San Francisco Discussion List & LinkedIn Group

(1) Interested in SF? Consider joining . 302 area
grads are signed up as of 5-8-2005. Members use the
list for networking, events announcements and mutual
support. There is an associated web log . Only agreed upon
with the moderator; event, charitable and public
announcements end up in the log.

(2) harvard-sf branding is on . Click

to join. Please connect with me on LinkedIn if you
would like.

Under Additional Information list harvard-sf in the
Groups and Associations section on LinkedIn. The logo
will then appear in your Profile when others view you
on the system.


Perry Gregg, Moderator
VP Communications
Harvard Club of San Francisco
Nob Hill
800 Powell Street
San Francisco, California 94108

mardi, mai 03, 2005

375 California HS Black Students 2009

FYI on one student segment regarding our Alameda
County Outreach Committee effort: Cal's data [Stiles
Hall Director, David Starks] indicates that for the
Class of 2009 there were 24,100 black students
expected to graduate from California high schools this
year. 1500 met UC eligibility. 375 match the
admissions standards for UC Berkeley and UCLA. If
these numbers are accurate, given population
concentrations, we'd be fortunate if 100 of those were
in the 9 Bay Area counties. Care to guess what
percentage of the 100 have families that earn under
$60K? Regards.


* * *

Perry Gregg
VP Communications, Board of Directors
Harvard Club of San Francisco
Nob Hill
800 Powell Street
San Francisco, California 94108

lundi, mai 02, 2005


An animal living constricted to the world of tennis
... every person has their flavor of this life that
gets them all excited; for me it is the 24 hour Tennis
Channel and tennis racquets. If you have
paraphernalia that you would part with at a garage
sale, let me know. I collect tennis racquets and old
books and balls and things related to the game.



* * *

Perry Gregg
VP Communications, Board of Directors
Harvard Club of San Francisco
Nob Hill
800 Powell Street
San Francisco, California 94108