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samedi, avril 23, 2005

Call For HCSF Members [$10]

If you are not a Harvard Club of San Francisco member
please join. There is a discount on Bay Area Harvard
events for members that makes it so joining pays for
itself. The discount is honored for HCSV events too.

To see what we've done in the past, a collection of HCSF
Newsletters over the last 5 years can be found at: .

Sign up on-line for as little as $10 (recent grads):

We are a 501(c)(3) so the cost is deductible using our
Fed taxpayer ID and the correct form incantations. We
are trying to do good things. We could use your help.

Perry Gregg
VP Communications, Board of Directors
Harvard Club of San Francisco
Nob Hill
800 Powell Street
San Francisco, California 94108

vendredi, avril 22, 2005

Jade Harvard-Cornell Happy Hour Post-Mortem

Kudos to everyone for attending. Jade last night was
packed; both levels. What a place. Thanks to Jane
Lee and Spencer Rhodes for making this event a


Perry Gregg
VP Communications, Board of Directors
Harvard Club of San Francisco
Nob Hill
800 Powell Street
San Francisco, California 94108

dimanche, avril 17, 2005

Important: Harvard SF Serving Meals To Needy Sunday May 1st, 2005 At Glide

We'll have our own designated Harvard grad section at
the service and we will be noted for being there that
day Sunday, May 1st, 2005. Please come. This is the
kind of event that in my opinion will be a signature
one for us, where we use our talents to do good, and
lend a hand to help where we can. 9 AM. There'll be
a rockin' choir we'll hear first during the service at
Glide located at the northwest corner of Taylor and
Ellis Streets. After that we roll up our sleeves and
head for the kitchen. We'll be done by 2 PM.
Questions contact by e-mail .
See for the event
description. Imagine the message the community &
volunteers will feel when we show up there in force
that day. Regards.

Perry Gregg
VP Communications, Board of Directors
Harvard Club of San Francisco
Nob Hill
800 Powell Street
San Francisco, California 94108

vendredi, avril 15, 2005

REMINDER: "All Ages" Harvard-Cornell Happy Hour Jade SF Thurs. April 21st, 2005 6 PM

REMINDER: Mark your calendars for a networking Happy
Hour with Harvard and Cornell grads, "all ages", any
and all programs. We are convening at Jade (Gough
between McAllister and Franklin in San Francisco)
Thursday, April 21st, 2005 6 PM - 9 PM. Stop by.
There is a $2 drink special.

Jane Lee the VP of Communications for the Cornell
Alumni Assoc. of Northern California will deliver her "peops"
as she is fond of saying at my expense.

Jade is a Cornell alum owned establishment. Follow
the following link to see a map and picture.

RSVP to me please if you are coming. Hope to see you
there. Regards.


* * *

Perry Gregg
VP Communications, Board of Directors
Harvard Club of San Francisco
Nob Hill
800 Powell Street
San Francisco, California 94108

samedi, avril 09, 2005

3 Students Albany High Admitted Harvard Class of 2009

Harvard College admitted 3 students from AHS. A
record high. Laud the work product imbued of the
school system that starts with the illahie, home
schooling and positive supporting blocks of parents
and leads all the way K-12 to producing talented nice
kids. The Outreach student championed this year from
Berkeley High I knew from an Albany parent, the orphan
that many kudized, she got in and is going to be able
to take advantage of the Outreach Scholarship that
guarantees that everything is paid for with no
parental contribution (income under $40k). Keep the
low income student tips coming; sign up with
if you are interested in joining the Alameda County
Harvard Outreach program discussion. With the results
released on Tues. from the Harvard Civil Rights
Project that indicates the Oakland drop out rate is
52% we clearly need to keep going with a message to
the low income communities.
[enter URL on 1 continuous browser line]


Perry Gregg
VP Communications, Board of Directors
Harvard Club of San Francisco
Nob Hill
800 Powell Street
San Francisco, California 94108