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samedi, juin 21, 2008

Want to laugh at Perry, quaff this

In sales they teach you win broadcast, loss recovery. There is no way
I should share this document according to that rule? Apparently Dr.
Daniel Guhr from Oxford & Brandeis, founder and managing director of
the Illuminate Consulting Group, is teaching a course (with 5 breakout
sessions?) on alumni networking. I am the featured case story after
Myspace, Facebook, Flickr, LinkedIn, YouTube of what not to do in
alumni social networking. Hardly what I dreamed of becoming (he says
embarrassed), but at least I made the list. Read page 38 of his
"academic analysis" PDF and then page 5. Dr. Guhr is the former
President of the Oxford University Society San Diego Branch?


P.S. Remember the blaxsploitation films of the 70s. Dr. Guhr (cc-ed
above) has me realizing I seem to be the social networking
Harvardploitation version of one of those movies. Remember John
Shaft, . I loved that
guy. You know the question in an interview "what negative things
would 'so and so' say about you?" Thanks to Dr. Guhr, I don't think I
can miss on that one.

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