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jeudi, juin 26, 2008

June 26th the hand of God?

Acedia toned comments from a side liner -- not a religious person. In
the back of an office supply isle Albany, CA, two black sales people
were talking to each other yesterday. "$50 for gas for you know that
[old horrific small] car I have to get to work." "I can't afford that
and make my payments." "I'm going to go on. Keep trying no matter how
bad it gets." "You know we know how to do that."

Earlier today a guy I work with confided in me that though he and his
wife both work, if the Bay Area real estate market keeps collapsing
and his association fees keep going up, he'll lose his condo. He
doesn't want that to happen.

Doesn't the force of this strike you in the heart? I asked an Italian
friend couple last weekend what they thought of Obama maybe being
President. They did hand gestures over their hearts (Italians have
many signs), they "said everyone knows it is time." "Everyone knows
it here [pointing to their hearts] it is time and a good thing for a
black American to lead."

Close your eyes. Do you see the quaquaversal confluence of events
here? American after American is being embarrassed and humbled.
Events abroad, then our injured troops brought home without the best
heath care, few jobs and no homes. Our throttlebottom team rushed
them to judgment and hung a man named Hussein. On their return an
unrelated man whose middle name is Hussein may win his seemingly
impossible bid to be President. What is the universe trying to tell

On our path to resurrection, the rest of America meets black America.
The hardscrabble outcasts. The down trodden. The jailed, stopped,
Ralph Ellison invisible people amongst them. So many mothers of
different creeds never let humiliation stop them from raising their
children with hope. Even when we didn't succeed, we tried again. Rest
of America meet black America. We each know many things the other
needs. Reach out your hand. Shake. We may need to sing a Negro
spiritual together about grace before this is over. If the best of us
step up (and I mean you Republicans too please), we are going to get
it back. We are going to set it right. We have a chance to change
ourselves to be healthier than ever. Pat your heart as the Italians


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