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vendredi, décembre 17, 2004

MIT $30K Clean Energy Competition: Call for Entries

Call for Entries

The Massachusetts business and university communities
are teeming with ideas for clean energy technologies
and businesses.

To help transform these ideas into viable companies,
the Energy Special Interest Group (SIG) of the MIT
Enterprise Forum of Cambridge and its event sponsors -
the Massachusetts Technology Collaborative, the
Massachusetts High Technology Council, and
Constellation NewEnergy - are offering a $30K business
presentation competition.

Contestants will:

Learn how to create a compelling story for raising
funds from government, angel, and venture capital
investors be trained in superior presentation skills,
and network with others in the clean energy innovation
sector, includes sources of funding, potential
employees, and business leaders who can help launch
successful companies.

Three events will help entrepreneuers jumpstart their
business ideas: one training seminar and two
opportunities to present their business ideas to a
distinguished panel of judges.

The events are designed to help contestants clarify
their strategic vision, vet their business plans, and
boost their communication skills. Five winners will be
selected in the final competitive round and each
winner will share a portion of the $30,000 prize
money. And, of course, each event will include
networking opportunities, food, and refreshments.

Students and professionals are eligible. To find out
more or register for the competition go to:


Perry Gregg
VP Communications, Board of Directors
Harvard Club of San Francisco
Nob Hill
800 Powell Street
San Francisco, California 94108

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