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vendredi, décembre 24, 2004

Emanuel Sullavou (Sullivan) Harvard's 2nd African American Graduate

Something to consider, URL below, as we end this year. An inspiring story of people of multiple backgrounds with honor that paved the way for changes in this country.

Emanuel Sullavou (Class of 1871) graduated from Phillips Exeter Academy in 1867. He was one year behind Harvard's first black graduate, Richard Theodore Greener (Class of 1870) who graduated from Phillips Andover Academy in 1866.

Sullavou was born in Richmond, Virginia in 1845, but his parents "moved" to New Bedford, Massachusetts (a seat of abolitionism) while he was still a small child. Slavery was in full force in Virginia at the time. Sullavou may be a misspelling or a misreading of a handwritten "Sullivan".

Sullavou's story is as powerful as that of Greener:


Perry Gregg
VP Communications, Board of Directors
Harvard Club of San Francisco
Nob Hill
800 Powell Street
San Francisco, California 94108

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