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mercredi, mai 21, 2008

President Obama delegate privation -- "inferiority is accepted as truth"

Are you prepared to vote in President Obama as an independent in Nov.?
With nails scratching on the chalk board behind her Hillary will take
the democratic nomination. It is too late to stop it.

The party delegates can vote any way they want. Add, Hillary will sue
to count Michigan and Florida. Do you believe your vote somehow
constrains the pledged and unpledged delegates if the party rules
don't provide for it? Prepare yourself psychologically. The Clinton
move at the convention is check not check mate.

To take your country back you will have to put President Obama on
every ballot as an independent. This election will have the smell of
the 2003 California Davis-Schwarzenegger recall donnybrook. President
Obama, Nader, Hillary, McCain et al. Can you hear Cheney's chuckle in
the background? The liberals are a bunch of schmucks smirk on his
face says it all.

Perry Gregg

P.S. Who said, "[d]iscrimination is a hellhound that gnaws at Negroes
in every waking moment of their lives to remind them that the lie of
their inferiority is accepted as truth in the society dominating

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