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dimanche, septembre 04, 2005

Add "Drowning" Rollover: Not Nice Action By Your Animal Rights Org. PETA


I understand that you are the VP at PETA in charge of
this campaign:

You are missing out on an opportunity to update your
web site above to include brown people drowning side
by side with brown cows in New Orleans -- a "Drowning"

Could be powerful considering what people are feeling
about the images they are seeing out of Southern
Louisiana after the hurricane. That is what you are
about isn't it; anything to draw attention to your
cause? Why stop at what I see at the above URL? If
you add New Orleans to the mix floating bodies,
floating animals at a bad lab; you get more publicity.
That is what you want is it not?

[See my web log for my
original comment on your animals rights campaign above
and that I thought it was not nice.]



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