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mardi, janvier 04, 2005

HCSF Membership Fees

Jan. 1st, 2005, William Fitzpatrick raised the
question on the harvard-sf discussion list: "How about
some sense of potential membership dues [HCSF]?"

Here's a URL to our current fees and the application:

Crimson Member -- $250 or more
Supporting Member -- $150
Regular Member -- $50
Recent Graduates -- $10 (first year only)

The above will give Harvard Club of San Francisco
members "limited" access to the physical club. When
the deal is final we'll be able to articulate a "full"
access to the entire facility (additional) line item
and associated pricing structure. That announcement
will have to wait until after our next Board meeting
and everything is ratified and approved. If you
haven't done so already, sign up and join the Club.
We could use your help and opinions and energy.

Perry Gregg
VP Communications, Board of Directors
Harvard Club of San Francisco
Nob Hill
800 Powell Street
San Francisco, California 94108

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