This page and the listed discussion groups about Harvard are not affiliated with or sponsored by Harvard University or the Harvard Alumni Association.

mercredi, novembre 30, 2005

Perry Gregg Exclusive Q&A With Larry Summers: "Outreach Maverick Leader With Plans To Expand Harvard"

Q&A: Larry Summers Outreach Maverick Leader With Plans
To Expand Harvard?

Perry Gregg, Entry for

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

San Francisco, California - At Harvard's 27th
president, Larry Summer's behest, Cooper, Robertson &
Partners, Gehry Partners and Olin Partnership were
hired as a team in July 2004 to develop a flexible
framework for Harvard's development in Allston, MA.

They expect to finalize the planning framework by the
end of the current academic year and it will be filed
with the City of Boston as part of the University's
new "Institutional Master Plan" proposal.

There are tours to sign up to see the transformation
to the 352 acres of land Harvard owns in Allston
including the possibility of a public transit line. [
Info is available by contacting . ] Who is going to
populate the expanded Harvard?

Rallying support for the Allston campus expansion
Harvard's President Summers, was in San Francisco the
evening of Nov 9th, 2005 for a dinner with Bay Area
alumni/ae downtown at the Marriott. As part of his
visit President Summers consented to an exclusive
interview with Perry Gregg answering questions on
Harvard's Outreach program. Before and after the
controversy surrounding Summers' remarks on gender
earlier this year, Summers has made "outreach"
statements and followed through changing policy and
plans at Harvard (Class of 2009 mostly women, campus
composition 40% minorities); actions arguably
indicating he is a maverick civil rights and
educational leader, one of the most exemplary Harvard
has seen. The following is a question and answer
discussion with President Summers.

* * *

"Our doors have long been open to talented students
regardless of financial need but many students simply
do not know or believe this. We are determined to
change both the perception and the reality."
- President L.H. Summers, February 29, 2004

[ ]

Question 1: Why does Harvard College want to change
"the perception and reality" of the doors being open
to these students? What metrics does Harvard use to
decide that they have an appropriate mix of students
for a given admitted Class year?

"Universities serve society in many ways and one of
the most important is by promoting equal opportunity.
It is a sad but true that today the most able poor
students are less likely to attend college than the
least able rich students and that in the Ivy League,
less than 10 percent of the students come from the
lower half of the income distribution.

Cutbacks in financial aid and decreasing access to
public higher education are exacerbating this trend.
At Harvard in order to counteract these trends and to
promote equal opportunity we instituted a new
financial aid initiative where students whose family
income is under $40,000 will not be asked for any
family contribution toward the cost of attending
Harvard College.

We are looking for the most promising students that we
can find. There are not any targets or goals but it
is important that students wishing to attend Harvard
should not be limited by their financial

* * *

Question 2: Harvard College had an "uptick" in the
percentage of applicants that applied for the
application fee wavier for the Class of 2009
admissions cycle after you said this; implying that
more prospective students were starting to believe
Harvard was a possibility irrespective of financial
need. How is the plan going from your perspective?

"I mentioned that for this year's entering class of
undergraduates, parents in families with incomes of
less than $40,000 are no longer expected to contribute
to the cost of their children's Harvard education. We
have also reduced the contributions for families with
incomes between $40,000 and $60,000. These increases
in financial aid, coupled with an aggressive new
recruiting program staffed by current Harvard students
from low-income backgrounds, have increased by 22
percent the number of first-year students in the
qualifying income ranges. I am pleased, but we have
much work ahead of us if we are to maximize our
contribution to achieving equality of opportunity."

* * *

"We have also taken steps at the graduate level to
assure that students who wish to pursue careers in
public service are not deterred because of finances.
Last year we established a $14 million Presidential
Scholars program to fund top master's and doctoral
students choosing careers in fields such as education,
public health, and government service."
- President L.H. Summers, 2004


Question 3: How is the program for master's and
doctoral students working out? What about other
fields not covered by the $14 million dollar
Presidential Scholars program?

"We are placing special emphasis on strengthening
financial aid for outstanding graduate students in
fields where expected income is not high but expected
value to society is great. One consequence of
Harvard's "every tub on its own bottom" system, by
which individual Schools are largely responsible for
raising and managing their own resources, is that the
Schools whose students most need financial aid are
often those least able to provide it.

In recent years, we have taken several major steps
toward addressing this concern, including guaranteeing
fifth-year support for all Ph.D. students and
providing greater financial aid resources for Ph.D.
students generally, resulting in a substantial
increase in the yield rate in many of our Ph.D.

As you mentioned, we established the Presidential
Scholars program to provide financial support to
outstanding master's and doctoral students preparing
for careers in public service or in the academic
disciplines. Since launching the program in the
2003-04 academic year, we have allocated over $14.5
million to more than 200 graduate and professional
school students selected by their Schools. We are
currently in the process of extending and expanding
the program for future years.

We have also established a sub-prime interest rate
loan program for graduate students, domestic or
international, up to the cost of attendance at
Harvard, with loan volume now totaling approximately
$100 million.

In addition, the new Zuckerman and Reynolds
[Foundation?] fellowship programs, established this
past year, annually fund 46 master's and doctoral
students preparing for careers that serve society.

The University still has a long way to go toward
assuring that the most talented students are drawn
into careers that address our society's most important
needs, and we continue to have as a top priority
improving access to all of our Harvard programs for
talented students regardless of their financial

* * *

"In short, we need to recognize that the most serious
domestic problem in the United States today is the
widening gap between the children of the rich and the
children of the poor, and education is the most
powerful weapon we have to address that problem. Let
us make sure that the American dream is a possible
dream for every child in the nation."

- President L.H. Summers, 2004


Question 4: What can we do in San Francisco and the
Bay Area to help the children of the poor with
education and to preserve and sustain the American

"I think that the obvious answer is for people to get
involved in the civic and educational life of their
communities. There are many organizations that are
dedicated to improving the educational opportunities
for children from lower income families. They are
doing great work and I know that additional support is
always welcomed."

* * *

Question 5: When you speak Nov. 9th, 2005 to San
Francisco and Bay Area alumni/ae, what will be your
message to them? Will you say anything about the
Outreach program and HFAI?

"I [p]lan on discussing how a university like Harvard
that is so fortunate -- in the remarkable students we
are able to attract, in the brilliance of our faculty,
in our physical and financial resources -- can best
serve not just our students and faculty but the larger
society, which understandably looks to universities to
make a positive difference in the world."

* * *

Question 6: It is true that admission to Harvard for
financially challenged students and families can make
a huge difference in their future. Isn't it also true
that Harvard needs the contribution of these students
to keep itself relevant, vibrant and on the leading

"This increase contributes to the diversity of
backgrounds and perspectives that has long brought
strength to our student body. With only about
one-sixth of the College's students coming from
families in the lower half of the American income
distribution, however, and indications of similar
patterns elsewhere in the University, as I said
earlier, we have much work ahead of us if we are to
maximize our contribution to achieving equality of

Increasing access to higher education is an area where
we should not be looking to "win." When Yale and
Princeton decided to adopt financial aid programs much
like ours, I thought it was terrific. Making progress
on these issues is an important challenge for all of

* * *

/c/a/2005/04/05/DROPOUTS.TMP ]

Question 7: The Harvard University Civil Rights
project this year put the Oakland, CA dropout rate at
potentially 52%. What are your thoughts about this?

"The study draws attention to the fact that we must
address the pipeline to higher education. One of the
ways Harvard is trying to address the issue in the
Boston area is through the Crimson Summer Academy -- a
program for disadvantaged students starting in the
ninth grade, through the summer after eleventh grade,
designed to prepare for admission to selective
colleges. Welcoming students into this program was as
rewarding as any experience that I've had at Harvard
in the last year. I believe that programs like this
one can make a great contribution to promoting equal
opportunity in this country."

* * *

Question 8: What changes at Harvard these days make
you most proud?

"I think I'm proudest of the immense variety of ways
in which people at Harvard are making a difference."

Larry Summers closed his remarks to the grads that
evening at the lectern in San Francisco by saying if
we are going to error let it be while we are doing too
much not too little.

Perry Gregg can be reached at .
Perry's LinkedIn Profile: .

mardi, novembre 29, 2005

AP Story: "Harvard grad grabs spotlight in Rams' win"

For those who are following Ryan's path:


lundi, novembre 28, 2005

Harvard SF List E-mail Addresses

On the list. You can get an email address .
E-mail me if you want one with (1) "yourchoice" and, (2) for
verification purposes your Harvard e-mail address. Works with
all client e-mail packages, Outlook, Eurdora, et al.; has a web
interface too.


vendredi, novembre 25, 2005 Comedy Night 2006, Help Picking Fundraiser Cause Please

A list "Comedy Night" looks like it is
going to happen in Jan. or Feb. 2006. I'm supposed to
pick an altruistic cause to make this a fundraiser. A
local grad's company is going to pay for the venue so
any money raised at the door can go to charity.
E-mail me off-line of the list if you know of a worthy
cause that should be the subject of the festivities.
And we have comedians signed up and one grad related
comedian driving it; if you want to be part of the
entertainment package that night let me know.


mercredi, novembre 23, 2005

How To Read & Enter Chinese Characters On-line

Inputting Chinese characters:

Options to create a Chinese environment for viewing
Chinese characters:


dimanche, novembre 20, 2005

Harvard China Care

Student-run chapter of the China Care Foundation;
Harvard China Care is determined to make positive
contributions to the lives of China's special-need


Perry Gregg

Harvard In New & Old Europe

[See also
. Perry]

"Europe has witnessed explosive growth recently in the
number of its Harvard Clubs. In the past three years,
eleven new Harvard Clubs have been created: four in
"old Europe"—Denmark, Ireland, Italy, and Monaco —and
seven fledgling clubs, most with memberships of fewer
than 50 alumni each, in Eastern and Central
Europe-Bulgaria, Croatia, Georgia, Romania and
Moldova, Serbia and Montenegro, Slovenia, and Turkey.

There are now 30 clubs in Europe, with a club in
Russia being created, and contact persons in Norway
and the Baltic States. Clubs in Israel and Lebanon are
included in our regional activities, given their
proximity. Eckart Brödermann LLM '83, President of the
Harvard Club of Hamburg, launched a draft European
Clubs Directory a year ago and now finds he has his
work cut out for him to include all the new clubs.

Europe represents a third of Harvard's international

Alumni in Europe number approximately 14,900, which
represents more than a third of Harvard's 34,300
"active" international alumni (alumni with valid
addresses). Sixty-eight percent of Harvard alumni in
Europe are concentrated in four countries (UK 5,300,
France 2,000, Germany 1,600, and Switzerland 1,300).
More than a third of alumni in Europe live in the
United Kingdom. Another five countries have between
400 and 750 alumni: Belgium, Greece, Italy, the
Netherlands, and Sweden."

by Sally Williams-Allen MAT '65
and Brooks Newmark AB '80, MBA '84
HAA Co-Regional Directors for Europe

mercredi, novembre 16, 2005

Nonprofit Branding Exchange Event Tonight 11/16/2005, 77 Natoma, SF

The nonprofit sector is realizing the power of
branding, resulting in new opportunities for branding
professionals that range from pro bono work to
full-time employment. Join us to meet other branding
professionals and learn about how the nonprofit sector
is leveraging branding.

Host: Taproot Foundation
Location: Varnish
77 Natoma Street, San Francisco, CA
When: Wednesday, November 16, 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Nonprofit Branding Exchange

Evening Schedule
6:00 - 7:00 Drinks and Refreshments
7:00 - 8:00 Panel Discussion
8:00 - 9:00 Q&A and Networking

Dean Wilcox, Former Creative Director, Landor
Caroline Barlerin, Director of Strategic Initiatives,
Level Playing Field Institute and former Client
Director at TrueBrand and Landor Associates
Amy Sherman, Senior Brand Strategist, Wright Brands

mardi, novembre 15, 2005

8 To Go: Push For 500 [From 492]

Started the harvard-sf e-mail list over a year ago,
Oct. 18th, 2004; I have 492 SF area verified Harvard
e-mail address alumni/ae signed up as of today, Nov.
15th, 2005. We had 444 last month. Please tell
Harvard grads coming to, interested in, or already
here; all ages, any programs; to join the list. I had
a dream of 500 by the end of Oct. 2005. Though I
missed that date, we came close. I'd like to get
there this year.


Inquiry: Harvard Black Alumni Association of San Francisco Holiday Party 2005

Please reply to this e-mail if you'd be interested in: attending, helping to organize this event, or hosting a small gathering this season of local alums.  The party in the SF Bay Area has a budget from the national organization.  [This message posted per HBA group request.]

lundi, novembre 14, 2005

[David L. Evans] "Gangsta Rap's Influence"


In his New York Times column on Thursday (Nov. 10,
2005), David Brooks described the plight, world-view
and violent rage of the young men who have rioted in
France for almost two weeks. He related that many of
them have adopted a modified form of American hip-hop
and gangsta rap music and how it fuels their
bitterness, hopelessness and self-destruction. He
ends his column, however, with a paragraph about
American students and their attitudes toward gangsta
rap. He suggests that the music and the lifestyle
associated with it are like a game that most of these
students will abandon when they go off to college.
Unfortunately, while they play this game, too many of
these mostly middle-class students with media and
market influence, romanticize the rapper's lifestyle.
They unwittingly make it a vague measure of macho
"authenticity," especially to millions of young black

I responded to the column with a letter and it is
published today in the Times.

Best regards


The New York Times
November 12, 2005

Gangsta Gottabes

To the Editor:

David Brooks concludes ("Gangsta, in French," column,
Nov. 10) that in the United States, gangsta rap, with
its menacing lyrics about crime, racism and misogyny,
is like a game that can be discarded by most students
as they head off to college.

Not long ago, that would have described racial
division, but more and more, it describes class

This new class division has caused some interesting
behavior, especially among middle-class black youth.
Most have never been a part of the lifestyle depicted
in gangsta rap, yet they are often expected (or feel
obligated) to represent what the rappers are saying.

There have always been class differences among
African-Americans, but in the past, segregation didn't
permit us much physical distance. Unlike the gangsta
wannabes today, 50 years ago even civil rights
fighters adhered to behavioral limits.

The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. didn't feel a need
to use the language of prison gangs to garner "street"
legitimacy with black folk.

David L. Evans
Cambridge, Mass., Nov. 10, 2005

[Forwarded From David Yoon Post] Harvard Club of Korea Year-End Dinner, December 3

The Harvard Club of Korea would like to cordially
invite you to its year-end dinner. Here are the
details of the event:

Date: Saturday, December 3, 2005
Time: 6:30 pm
Location: The Westin Chosun Hotel, Orchid Room
Event Cost: KRW 50,000 (individual)
KRW 70,000 (couple)
KRW 30,000 (accompanied child)

Please RSVP to Mr. Yongseok Kang, Harvard LLM '02 at 02-2052-6600. Thank you.

dimanche, novembre 13, 2005

Post On Campus: harvard-china & harvard-europe Discussion Lists

Please post on campus. Students, faculty, post docs,
anyone with a current Harvard e-mail address can join
either list. More than half the students go abroad
while getting their degrees. I'm letting anyone with
a verified Harvard e-mail address subscribe. Let
folks know.


[European countries]

Pass along that these groups exist to current Harvard
people and alumni/ae you know where it may be
appropriate for them to subscribe. If you can help
with a translation that would be appreciated.
Recomiende esta herramienta de comunicación a todos
aquellos alumni graduados que conozca viviendo o
interesados en Europa & China. Regards.


vendredi, novembre 11, 2005

Invitation to East Palo Alto Mural Art Project Gala Benefit

In celebration and recognition of
past, present and future friends of the
East Palo Alto Mural Art Project...

Please join us for the fourth annual
Mural Art Project Gala Benefit Event

Saturday, November 19, 2005
From 7:00 p.m. to Midnight

Yerba Buena Center For The Arts
Galleries and Forum Building
701 Mission Street (at 3rd)
San Francisco, CA 94103

Complimentary Hors d'oeuvres and Dessert
No Host Bar (3 drinks included with price of entry)

Live Performance by Hieroglyphics
Musical Performance by Honorable LaDoris H. Cordell
Special Performances by Jidenna The Chief,
Jim Chitty, Bronodemus, Mexi, and Joe King
DJ music featuring DJ Daniela and DJ Nate

Silent Art Auction

Come for the atmosphere, the music, the people,
the food and drink, but most of all...

Come To Help Continue This Valuable
and Treasured Youth Development Organization!

Cocktail Attire

For ticket information or to make contributions
Sonya Clark-Herrera, Executive Director
East Palo Alto Mural Art Project
Stanford University, School of Education
CERAS Building, Room 402
Stanford, CA 94305-3084
Phone: 650.520.8061

Tickets: $100 each

All donations are tax-deductible

Info also available on our website:

Season Of Giving, Volunteer SF Bay Area Taproot Foundation 2006

SF Bay Area Harvard Grads:

The season of giving is upon us. Taproot Foundation
is growing. We are opening an office in Chicago. For
the Bay Area in 2006 we have a record 80 service
grants to do next year. We are shy the requisite
volunteers needed to do these projects. If you are
interested in doing pro bono work in San Francisco on
worthy causes, Taproot is glue worth considering to
make that happen.

The organization is interested in having Harvard grads
help and be part of the process. Sign-up through the
web site today. Regards.

Perry Gregg
SF Bay Area Board of Advisers
Taproot Foundation

mercredi, novembre 09, 2005

Mill Valley International Latino Film Festival "Noche Cubana"

On Sunday, Nov 13, come out to the International
Latino Film Festival, "Noche Cubana," at the
Throckmorton Theater, 142 Throckmorton Avenue, Mill
Valley, from about 6:45 to about 10:30 pm. Feel like
you went to Cuba with exceptional Cuban and
international cuisine, mojitos, and an exhibition by
renowned photographer Alberto Diaz "Korda," which will
include his iconic photo of Che Guevara. At about
7:30, the excellent Cuban film about the
photographer’s life "Kordavision" will play, followed
by an audience discussion with the Director Hector
Cruz Sandoval.

Enjoy refreshments and great music from The Rolando
Morales Duet featuring Rolando on guitar and vocals;
and from Nicaragua, Danilo Paíz on Latin percussion
and voice. $30 for members; $40 for non-members. See for more info on
this event and others happening throughout northern
California, or call the Throckmorton Theater directly
at (415) 383-9600.

[Beijing] World-Class Innovation Management for Government & Business

For more information, please check out Harvard Club of
Beijing's website at

Dear Alumni:

Greetings from the Harvard Club of Beijing!

We would like to take this opportunity to inform you
of the preparatory work we have done thus far to host
the upcoming "10th Harvard Forum" in Beijing on
December 4, 2005 at the Kerry Center Hotel and solicit
your feedback and assistance to make the event better.

As detailed in the attached Program Schedule, the
topic of this day-long event in Beijing is
"World-Class Innovation Management for Government &
Business", with the aim of leveraging our alumni
network resources to establish a one-day platform for
sharing of government and industry experiences on the
topic of innovation management.

We have been very fortunate to have obtained the
acceptance from the following distinguished guests to
be our keynote speakers this year:

* Harvard Business School Professor David Yoffie
* Mayor Wang Qishan of the Beijing Municipal

After the keynote speeches, there will be four
industry and one government panel discussions during
which at least one Chinese as well as one non-Chinese
panelists will share their experiences and views under
the guidance of a moderator. We hope through
sino-foreign comparisons and contrasts each panel will
generate new thoughts and insight for all of us.

To make the 10th Harvard Forum a successful one, the
Organizing Committee would highly appreciate your
assistance with the following:

1. Suggest and/or invite top executives from IT,
real estate, financial and auto industries to
participate as panelists
2. Obtain sponsorships for the event

Please contact the following Organizing Committee
members if you have any suggestions and/or leads for
the above:

* Larry Kung (13901165942,
* William Xu (13801356253,

You will be receiving another email in November with
the final invitation and details for the event. We
look forward to your support and attendance.

Organizing Committee for the 10th Harvard Forum
The Harvard Club of Beijing

mardi, novembre 08, 2005

harvard-china [108] & harvard-europe [76] Discussion Lists

108 and 76 verified grads respectively have joined
across the continents in 4 days. A Spanish
translation is complete of the introductory messages;
Romanian and German are in-progress.


[European countries]

Please pass along that these groups exist to alumni/ae
you know where it may be appropriate for them to
subscribe. If you can help with a translation that
would be appreciated. Recomiende esta herramienta de
comunicación a todos aquellos alumni graduados que
conozca viviendo o interesados en Europa & China.


lundi, novembre 07, 2005

Nov. 9th 6 PM 555 California, SF: Stephen Cauley, Ph.D, UCLA Anderson RE Bubble Lecture

The Effects of a Rising Interest Rate Environment on
Commercial and Residential Real Estate in California

When: November 9, 2005
Time: 6:00 to 8:00 PM

Sponsor: UCLA - Anderson School - Bay Area

Talk of a Real Estate Bubble has dominated the news
for well over a year. Parallels to the "Dot Com" crash
of 2001 are drawn by pundits without true knowledge of
the underlying dynamics of the real estate market.
With a record percentage of Americans owning their own
homes, most of us have a vested interest in knowing
where the market is headed. Please join fellow Bay
Area Alumni for an informative presentation and
interactive panel discussion featuring noted real
estate academics and industry luminaries.

Keynote Speaker: Stephen Cauley, Ph.D, Anderson
Lecturer and Ziman Center Director of Research

Featured UCLA Alumni: Greg Alden, Woodside Hotels and
Resorts David Griffin, First Horizon Bank

When: November 9, 2005
Time: 6:00 to 8:00 PM

Where: Carnelian Room, Bank of America Tower, 555
California Street, San Francisco .

Tickets: $20 can be purchased at
Friends, colleagues and family are welcome to attend.
Appetizers will be provided.

jeudi, novembre 03, 2005

Jenny Kiely & Harvard "HO HO HO" Toy Drive Party Thurs. Dec. 8th 7:30 PM

We are having a Harvard holiday toy/donation drive "HO
HO HO" party that benefits the Children of the
Tenderloin Afterschool Project. Please reserve this
date and invite friends so we can load up on toys for
kids that night. There will be a DJ.

When: Dec. 8th, 2005, Thursday, 7:30 PM
Where: 798 Brannan St., San Francisco
Phone: 415-621-MARS (6277) RSVP to Jenny Kiely

You must bring a toy for the pile or give $10 for the
cause; we'd prefer unwrapped toys. Take the time to
get one or two please. Regards.


harvard-china & harvard-europe Discussion Lists

Two lists are created in the spirit of harvard-sf;
open "all" grads, programs, ages and languages e-mail
discussion lists (in or interested in):

[European countries]


Please pass along that these groups exist to grads you
know where it may be appropriate for them to join.


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