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mardi, mai 03, 2005

375 California HS Black Students 2009

FYI on one student segment regarding our Alameda
County Outreach Committee effort: Cal's data [Stiles
Hall Director, David Starks] indicates that for the
Class of 2009 there were 24,100 black students
expected to graduate from California high schools this
year. 1500 met UC eligibility. 375 match the
admissions standards for UC Berkeley and UCLA. If
these numbers are accurate, given population
concentrations, we'd be fortunate if 100 of those were
in the 9 Bay Area counties. Care to guess what
percentage of the 100 have families that earn under
$60K? Regards.


* * *

Perry Gregg
VP Communications, Board of Directors
Harvard Club of San Francisco
Nob Hill
800 Powell Street
San Francisco, California 94108