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samedi, avril 09, 2005

3 Students Albany High Admitted Harvard Class of 2009

Harvard College admitted 3 students from AHS. A
record high. Laud the work product imbued of the
school system that starts with the illahie, home
schooling and positive supporting blocks of parents
and leads all the way K-12 to producing talented nice
kids. The Outreach student championed this year from
Berkeley High I knew from an Albany parent, the orphan
that many kudized, she got in and is going to be able
to take advantage of the Outreach Scholarship that
guarantees that everything is paid for with no
parental contribution (income under $40k). Keep the
low income student tips coming; sign up with
if you are interested in joining the Alameda County
Harvard Outreach program discussion. With the results
released on Tues. from the Harvard Civil Rights
Project that indicates the Oakland drop out rate is
52% we clearly need to keep going with a message to
the low income communities.
[enter URL on 1 continuous browser line]


Perry Gregg
VP Communications, Board of Directors
Harvard Club of San Francisco
Nob Hill
800 Powell Street
San Francisco, California 94108