See for details.
Picture of the building included. Bookmark this path.
Our main HCSF web pages will appear there soon. The
structure at 800 Powell St. was built & imbued by the
founding members of the Harvard Club of SF. This is
the kick-off event for our return. Please attend if
you can. A few weeks ago you received an invite from
our HCSF President, Stephanie Evans. The event is
free. Follow the instructions for RSVP-ing at the URL
cited above.
The benefit of my position is getting a chance to meet
and interact with and learn from the wisdom of the
incredible breadth of talent of our Bay Area brethren.
Whatever you are doing, this is a resource pool of
friendship that could use your contribution and that
you can appropriately draw from.
Perry Gregg
VP Communications, Board of Directors
Harvard Club of San Francisco
Nob Hill
800 Powell Street
San Francisco, California 94108