This page and the listed discussion groups about Harvard are not affiliated with or sponsored by Harvard University or the Harvard Alumni Association.
jeudi, décembre 25, 2008
vendredi, décembre 05, 2008
jeudi, décembre 04, 2008
Your 1 PM oath - Next year William Rehnquist on
Next year William Rehnquist in the late morning on January 20th will administer the oath of office for vice-president to Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr.
"I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same: that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter."
Near noon the president elect takes this oath.
"I do solemnly affirm that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States."
Your 1 PM oath of change. Wipe the tears from your eyes. Clear bitterness from your heart. Turn off the tube. Consider administering this oath to your friends and loved ones and take it yourself.
I do solemnly swear (or affirm) I the citizen creator will not remain saddled by ideas of the past, wrapped struck by history and notions that do not work, and let this country, world and Earth collapse around us without a fight, collapse around us without making changes to try to stop it, that I will lobby, cajole and vote to alter the Constitution of the United States and all laws and rules necessary to form a more perfect union that will endure for our descendants with our most important ideals preserved in a situation of limited resources. I will faithfully discharge my duty as citizen creator of the Constitution of the United States to change it as necessary to preserve, protect, empower our leaders and defend the natural law rights of all known inhabitants.
Perry Gregg
Copyright © 2008 Perry Gregg. All rights reserved.
mercredi, décembre 03, 2008
jeudi, novembre 20, 2008
WOMAN, Inc. - Wells Fargo
Wells Fargo application. Be our sponsor employee.
Perry Gregg
Board of Directors
cell: (510) 684-4152
lundi, novembre 17, 2008
Latino Ivy League Alumni in the Bay Area Nov. 20th
in the Bay Area.
Consider this your kick off to the Holiday Season. Zazil, is the
latest addition to Eduardo and Sylvia Rallo's restaurant
enterprises. Named after the Mayan word meaning clear water, Zazil
offers a cornucopia of traditional Mexican Cuisine enjoyed within an
elegantly staged beach setting.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
845 Market St, Suite 400
San Francisco, CA 94103
Cost of the event including a meal and a cocktail:
$20 for Brown Alumni and BAILAN members, $30 for Guests
RSVP through Facebook
Contact :
Maria Moreno, Brown '98 or
Maria-Gracia Galvez-Picon, Brown '94
mardi, novembre 04, 2008
dimanche, novembre 02, 2008
WOMAN Upcoming Events
- October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month
- November 6th is WOMAN, Inc. Day in the City of San Francisco
- Wake Up Call ... Benefit Breakfast @ City Club, Nov. 6 @ 8 AM
Board of Directors
dimanche, octobre 26, 2008
Martin is watching Tuesday November 4, 2008
for the first time in the Oval Office with their father the President
our nation will be blessed.
[Extract of speech from MLK 3 April 1968]
"Thank you very kindly, my friends. As I listened to Ralph Abernathy
and his eloquent and generous introduction and then thought about
myself, I wondered who he was talking about. It's always good to have
your closest friend and associate to say something good about you. And
Ralph Abernathy is the best friend that I have in the world. I'm
delighted to see each of you here tonight in spite of a storm warning.
You reveal that you are determined to go on anyhow.
Something is happening in Memphis; something is happening in our
world. And you know, if I were standing at the beginning of time, with
the possibility of taking a kind of general and panoramic view of the
whole of human history up to now, and the Almighty said to me, "Martin
Luther King, which age would you like to live in?" I would take my
mental flight by Egypt and I would watch God's children in their
magnificent trek from the dark dungeons of Egypt through, or rather
across the Red Sea, through the wilderness on toward the promised
land. And in spite of its magnificence, I wouldn't stop there.
I would move on by Greece and take my mind to Mount Olympus. And I
would see Plato, Aristotle, Socrates, Euripides and Aristophanes
assembled around the Parthenon. And I would watch them around the
Parthenon as they discussed the great and eternal issues of reality.
But I wouldn't stop there.
I would go on, even to the great heyday of the Roman Empire. And I
would see developments around there, through various emperors and
leaders. But I wouldn't stop there.
I would even come up to the day of the Renaissance, and get a quick
picture of all that the Renaissance did for the cultural and aesthetic
life of man. But I wouldn't stop there.
I would even go by the way that the man for whom I am named had his
habitat. And I would watch Martin Luther as he tacked his ninety-five
theses on the door at the church of Wittenberg. But I wouldn't stop
I would come on up even to 1863, and watch a vacillating President by
the name of Abraham Lincoln finally come to the conclusion that he had
to sign the Emancipation Proclamation. But I wouldn't stop there.
I would even come up to the early thirties, and see a man grappling
with the problems of the bankruptcy of his nation. And come with an
eloquent cry that we have nothing to fear but "fear itself." But I
wouldn't stop there.
Strangely enough, I would turn to the Almighty, and say, "If you allow
me to live just a few years in the second half of the 20th century, I
will be happy."
Now that's a strange statement to make, because the world is all
messed up. The nation is sick. Trouble is in the land; confusion all
around. That's a strange statement. But I know, somehow, that only
when it is dark enough can you see the stars. And I see God working in
this period of the twentieth century in a way that men, in some
strange way, are responding.
Something is happening in our world. The masses of people are rising
up. And wherever they are assembled today, whether they are in
Johannesburg, South Africa; Nairobi, Kenya; Accra, Ghana; New York
City; Atlanta, Georgia; Jackson, Mississippi; or Memphis, Tennessee --
the cry is always the same: "We want to be free." "
mardi, octobre 14, 2008
Cleantech and Green Business for Obama - Monday, October 20 [Tracy Chapman!]
Cleantech and Green Business for Obama (CT4-O)
Cordially invites you to join
Tracy Chapman
who will be performing to benefit Barack Obama,
as well as Congressman Steve Inslee and Steve Westley,
Obama for America, California state co-chair
"An Evening
to Reenergize America"
An event benefiting the Obama Victory Fund
This event will be the single most prominent event of this National
House Party Day, which will highlight conversations on the new energy
economy, green jobs, and energy independence, and feature over 300
house parties covering all 50 states linked via webcast to gala
fundraisers in Wash., D.C., Boulder, CO and elsewhere.
Monday, October 20, 2008
6:00 PM – 7:00 PM VIP Reception
6:00 PM – 8:00 PM General Reception
Location: Temple Night Club, 540 Howard Street, SF
VIP Reception and private seating area: $2,500 per person
Honored seating in main reception area: $500 per person
General Admission: $250 per person
For more information, contact
Sonia Gioseffi,
lundi, octobre 13, 2008
dimanche, octobre 12, 2008
Voting absentee this weekend ?: "Judicial Superior #9" Hayashi vs Daly, "AC Transit" Roy vs Peeples, "Bart Director" ...
"Regional Park Dir Ward 1" Force vs Dotson?
What is the crowd wisdom? Who knows these folks? Best,
cell: (510) 684-4152
* * *
Bay Area Artificial Turf & Construction
mercredi, octobre 08, 2008
Is this you in the photo squirting away Bay Area water for fun?
water away over a sod lawn daily, using pesticides, starting up your
mower on Sundays, depleting our fossil fuel reserves, polluting the
atmosphere, all to start the process again the week after next.
You can avoid this loss. Get off the sod treadmill. Move out of the
grass rat race with synthetic turf over a select area you designate.
With the right mix, yard areas can be eco-friendly, responsible and
drop dead gorgeous! Email or call me
(510) 684-4152 for help. Our installers are friendly, warm and the
best in the country. The crew lead is on the STC Turf Safety Council
for playgrounds. Ask me about the 10,000 sq. foot playground we just
completed in Cupertino! Fall zone ratings, run off and content lead
tests our products passed with flying colors. Best,
P.S. I too love the smell of fresh cut lawn. I started asking myself
one day what is the embodied energy cost of inhaling over that grass
patch multiplied by all of us? What are the non-organic elements in
the air when we take that sniff?
vendredi, octobre 03, 2008
Ms. Conna Craig WOMAN, Inc. Board President! -- Wake Up Call event Nov. 6th
the first Wake Up Call for our new Board President. Harvard magna cum
laude, Conna Craig returns home to Northern California. Ms. Craig was
formerly the Director and President of the Institute for Children.
Ms. Craig brought to the Institute effective and humane approaches to
substitute care. For 15 years she advised governors, other policy
makers and opinion leaders on practical steps to take to restructure
foster care and adoption and help tens of thousands of children find
permanent families.
The Nov. 6th Wake Up Call 2008 is a fundraising breakfast celebrating
the 30th Anniversary of WOMAN, Inc. "WOMAN" stands for Women Organized
to Make Abuse Nonexistent. This domestic violence crisis agency has
served the needs of women and children survivors in the Bay Area since
Last year WOMAN, Inc.'s 24/7 domestic violence crisis line handled
more than 17,000 calls -- each call from an individual who needed
support, counsel, and someone to "hear" her. Our 40 state-certified
advocates took the calls, serving women from across the Bay Area, from
all different demographics. WOMAN, Inc. also provided over 600 hours
of individual therapy, along with peer support groups, education and
outreach and a host of other services. WOMAN, Inc. is a lifeline for
domestic violence survivors.
Wake Up Call 2008…WOMAN, Inc. at 30
Thursday, November 6th
Registration: 7:30 – 7:55am … Program: 8:00 – 9:00am
City Club of San Francisco
155 Sansome Street, 10th Floor
This year's program will feature a special message from one of the
founders of WOMAN, Inc., as well as music from vocal artist Jill
Sizemore. I promise it will be a morning to remember.
There is no cost to attend Wake Up Call 2008, though please RSVP as
soon as possible as space is limited. Email me or call (510) 684-4152.
I know that you will be touched by attending; please be sure to mark
your calendar so you can join us on November 6th. See you at the City
Club! Best,
Perry Gregg
Board Director
Nonprofit 501(c)(3)
Fed. ID #94-2607750
mercredi, octobre 01, 2008
How do you reach Albany & Kensington voters? - [approx. 4200 voted Nov. 2006 Albany, CA]
pamphlet? Yikes. You can you ask questions, surprise us, contact,
probe, arrange to hug one in 4-5 voters for free. If you have a
cause, is there an easier way to make your case than emailing
albanykensington-residents? Here are the guidelines. Sound the
tocsin on what you care about!
P.S. UC Berkeley grad, employee, student or faculty member? Reach
your brethren on cal-bay-area. to sign up. Cal's
University Village housing community is in Albany.
lundi, septembre 29, 2008
Yale's Naomi Wolf - Give Me Liberty
Give Me Liberty
A Handbook for American Revolutionaries
In Give Me Liberty: A Handbook for American Revolutionaries,
bestselling author Naomi Wolf illustrates the breathtaking changes
that can take place when ordinary citizens engage in the democratic
system the way the founders intended and tells how to use that system,
right now, to change your life, your community, and ultimately, the
Date: Tuesday, October 14, 2008
11:30 am Check-In/Boxed Lunch
12:00 pm Program
1:00 pm Book signing
National Semiconductor
Building E Conference Center
2900 Semiconductor Drive
Santa Clara
Cost per Person and Registration:
$20 Non-Member
Sign up at the Commonwealth Club website
You do not have to be a member of the Commonwealth Club to register online.
dimanche, septembre 28, 2008
Wed. 10/1 Rumsey & Bioneers SF Green Drinks Happy Hr. 77 Natoma 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Rumsey Engineers is a group of uniquely qualified and dedicated
professionals with a passion for high performance, environmentally
sustainable and energy efficient heating, ventilating and air
conditioning system designs. We specialize in the design of simple,
elegant, cost-effective HVAC systems for critical and green building
environments. We also provide businesses and utilities with
comprehensive analysis of installations that help prioritize their
energy saving potential. We actively promote the improvement of
sustainable design practices throughout building industries. Rumsey
Engineers is the first engineering firm in the U.S. to receive 4 LEED
Platinum ratings. We're proud to help lead the adoption of standards
such as LEED, and to reinforce the consciousness of sustainable
building that is emerging all over the planet. Check out our website
Bioneers promotes practical environmental solutions and innovative
social strategies for restoring Earth¹s imperiled ecosystems and
healing our human communities. They are composed of social and
scientific innovators from policy-makers, to scientists, to activists
who are dedicated to solving critical issues affecting people and the
planet. At the 19th Bioneers Annual Conference this October 17-19 in
San Rafael, you can experience exciting workshops, special events, and
hear new ideas from leading edge speakers such as Naomi Klein, Bill
McKibben and Alexandra Cousteau. This multi-media forum connects
countless visionary leaders -- who are all making a very real
difference to create a future environment of stability and hope. We
will be raffling off two Saturday and Sunday tent passes ($320 value),
so be sure to enter! Until then, check out our website at
Event Details
Date:Wednesday, October 1st
Time: 5:30-8:30 p.m.
Location: Varnish Fine Art, 77 Natoma Street @ 2nd Street"
mercredi, septembre 24, 2008
Annual Toast - Library Foundation of LA
On October 23rd, Young Literati, a charitable organization of
individuals in their 20's, 30's and 40's who support the Los Angeles
Public Library, will be throwing our 2nd Young Literati Annual Toast
to benefit the LA Public Libraries.
This cocktail event will take place this year at the Track 16 Gallery
at Bergamot Station in Santa Monica, amidst a survey of the work of
artist Robbie Conal, who will also be joining us for the event.
Last year the Young Literati Annual Toast, which was held at a gallery
in Beverly Hills, attracted more than 300 guests, including noted
television and film actors Laura Dern, James Franco, Bradley Whitford,
and Heroes stars Adrian Pasdar and Zachary Quinto. We are anticipating
another exciting and fun evening this year!
Tickets are $150 per person and parking will be complimentary.
We are thrilled to invite Harvard alumni to the event this year and
are providing a special discount.
*Alums receive a $25 discount on the ticket purchase ($125 per person
instead of $150) just by mentioning Harvard when RSVP-ing.
Last year, the "Young Literati Annual Toast" brought in over $80,000,
and it continues to be a great way for young individuals in Los
Angeles to work with individual branches of the Los Angeles Public
Library to offer access to information, education, and limitless
possibilities... for free... to local communities where these
opportunities are often so limited.
Event Details
Date - Oct 23rd
Time - 7-11pm
Place - Track 16 Gallery - Bergamot Station – 2525 Michigan Ave -
Santa Monica, CA 90404
Ticket Price - $125 per person for Harvard alumni – please mention
your Harvard affiliation to receive the discount.
To purchase tickets - Please contact Lori Enterline at The Library
Foundation at 213-228-7542.
Please note that there is currently no way to purchase tickets online.
If you would like more information, please feel free to contact Lori
Enterline (her contact info is below).
Also, you can read more about Young Literati at
We would love to see you there!
Lori Enterline
Young Literati Coordinator
Library Foundation of Los Angeles
630 W. Fifth Street
Los Angeles, CA 90071
(213) 228-7542 p
(213) 228-7509 f
mardi, septembre 23, 2008
9/27 Albany Library resources tour for kids
preparation, and dozens of databases? And that you can connect to them
from home if you have Internet access?
This Saturday [9/27] I'll be giving a whirlwind tour of some of the
online resources the library provides that may help you succeed in
school this year. We'll take a look at databases, the library Website,
Live Homework Help, and more.
The class starts at 10:30 am in the meeting room and will run about an hour.
Questions? Contact Vivian Jaquette, "
lundi, septembre 22, 2008
How do you reach Albany & Kensington voters? - [approx. 4200 voted Nov. 2006 Albany, CA]
easier way to make your case than emailing albanykensington-residents?
Here are the guidelines. Sound the tocsin on what you care about!
P.S. And if you are a Cal grad, student or faculty member reach your
brethren on cal-bay-area. to sign up. Cal's
University Village housing community is in Albany.
samedi, septembre 20, 2008
WOMAN Annual Event City Club Thurs. Nov. 6th -> What does it mean to the children
San Francisco? 17,952 dv crisis line calls last year, 385 walk-ins,
325 hours in-office advocacy, 98 women enrolled in therapy, 283 women
participated in support groups, 1008 hours of continued education
provided to our volunteers, 350 hours of outreach provided by our
30 years in operation as a non-profit helping Bay Area women and
children. One of the corporate founders from Princeton will be there
to help us celebrate! RSVP to with your
number of guests, phone number, preferred email address - your family
and friends are welcome.
"Wake Up Call" WOMAN, Inc. Annual Breakfast
City Club 8 AM - 9 AM
Thurs. Nov. 6th
Perry Gregg
Board of Directors
cell: (510) 684-4152
mercredi, septembre 17, 2008
Buckley event 9/18 tomorrow Michaels “the quintessential political novelist”
Novelist; Political Satirist; Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Forbes FYI magazine
Event Date: Thursday, September 18th, 2008 at 6:30pm
Author of Supreme Courtship
Buckley has been called "the quintessential political novelist of his
time" by Forbes Magazine. Fellow novelist Tom Wolfe called him "one of
the funniest writers in the English language. Now, Buckley takes his
razor-sharp wit and trains it on the U.S. Supreme Court, for his 12th
novel, Supreme Courtship.
Date: Thursday, September 18, 2008
6:30 pm Check-in/Reception with light refreshments
7:00 pm Program and Q & A
8:00 pm Book Signing (books for sale by Kepler's Books)
Michaels at Shoreline (
2960 Shoreline Blvd
Mountain View 94043
Michaels is the clubhouse for the Shoreline Golf Links. The gate to
the golf course is about 1 mile north on Shoreline Blvd. from the exit
at 101. Continue on the road that winds around the golf course for
another mile to get to Michaels.
The Commonwealth Club is offering all alumni of Yale its member price
for this event.
General Price:
$12 Members
$18 Non-Members
Premium Price (includes a copy of book)
$45 Members
$65 Non-Members
Please call the Commonwealth Club at 408-280-5842 to register and pay.
mardi, septembre 16, 2008
[harvard-bay-area] PWHA 5th Annual Bay Area Life Science Networking Event: Cooley Goddard, PA, Sept 17th.
Interested in networking with top mid-senior level professionals in
the life science industry?
fyi, typically 30% +of the attendants are men. The power of networking
is compelling.
Call if you would like further information.
All the Best,
Director of Programs, PWHA
650-743-9010 .
From: Professional Womens Health Association []
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2008 10:52 AM
Professional Women's Healthcare Alliance
Back to School Networking
September 17, 2008
In This Issue
Quick Links
Join Our List
Event Sponsors
July 2008
Come meet old friends and make new ones; expand your professional
opportunities at
PWHA's 5th annual (highly successful) Summer Networking Event,
sponsored by Cooley, Godward, Kronish LLP
We hope to see you there!
Cooley, Godward, Kronish LLP
3175 Hanover Street
Palo Alto, CA 94304-1130
Date and Time:
September 17, 2008
5:30 p.m.-8:00 p.m.
Registration: Click here to Register!
Pre-registration: $25
At the Door: $30
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Linda Patten
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lundi, septembre 15, 2008
Tomorrow 9/16 Oakland Rocks for Change -- Blame Sally event
Blame Sally has 1/2 Price Tickets
available today until tomorrow at noon for
available on the Blame Sally website only
VP Event Begins at 5:30 PM, Tuesday, September 16th (Tomorrow)
Doors for concert-only ticket holders open at 6:00 PM
New Event Location:
Malonga Casquelourd Center
1428 Alice Street, Oakland, CA
This wonderful event has an amazing line-up -
Proceeds from this event will be used to help Obama and other
progressive candidates in tight races around the country. We all know
how our own neighborhood is going to vote - but we can help to make a
difference in those reddish-purplish states.
For regular tickets and larger contributions as well as general info, go to:
But if your wallet is feeling a little slim, please go to our site for
a half-price ticket.
samedi, septembre 13, 2008
mercredi, septembre 10, 2008
Bidding on the "change" bus too high - Obama '12
bid against each other for a $20 bill. Invariably every year the
bidding goes way over $20. Be it the psychology pitfalls of loss
aversion, commitment, diagnosis bias, insanity, whatever, this
campaign for the US presidency reminds me of that auction.
"McCain-rictus" has rushed in. With a master stroke he has out bid
Obama for this presidency. You want a woman. You got one. You wanna
a tax cut. You got it. You want to end the war. Been there. Done
that. Want to see my scars. My daughter wrote a kids book about 'em.
I am John McCain the agent of "change". Did I mention I am a green
candidate and a feminist too? I'm in charge of the Republican party
diversity project. As expected they are doing anything to win. And
they are just warming up. Obama, God bless his soul, won't do that.
Hillary beat him at it. Even Obama's Biden VP pick for principled and
"personal" reasons? Gees. How naive.
Absent an act of God, he has loser written all over him on this
election. The only solace will be watching John McCain and Sarah
Palin follow through on the legacy of the W empire over America. It
may be the will of higher forces that we experience collapse. Only
when we reach bottom for the McCain side of the country will our
brethren value the hand Obama has. Obama 2012 begins ...
mardi, septembre 09, 2008
Fwd: Help support Town School Class of '75 & Harvard Class of '83 classmate Ethan Berkowitz
The Town School Class of '75
& Harvard Class of '83
for a breakfast in support of classmate
Ethan Berkowitz
Alaska Democratic Candidate for Congress
Thursday, September 18 from 8:15am - 10:00am
at Gamine (formerly Chez Mama)
2223 Union at Fillmore
All donations warmly accepted
2008 is a good year to be a Democrat in Alaska. Ethan Berkowitz is the
Democratic candidate for Alaska's sole congressional seat.
Incumbent Congressman Don Young has been locked in a "too close to
call" primary election with Lt. Gov Sean Parnell since August 26th,
with the final results not expected before the end of September. In a
year where Democrats finally have a chance to turn Alaska blue, we can
help take advantage of this incredible opportunity. Don Young, known
to most as the Bridge to Nowhere champion, has paid over $1 million in
legal fees since 2007, and has been trailing Ethan in every poll
released this year.
Ethan Berkowitz was born and raised in San Francisco by his parents
Myra & Nathaniel Berkowitz. Ethan graduated from Harvard in 1983, and
earned a law degree from the University of California Hastings College
of Law in 1990. From 1991 to 1993, Ethan worked as a state prosecutor
in Anchorage and rural Alaska. After spending the 1993-94 season in
the Antarctic, he opened his own law practice. Beginning in 1996, he
served in the Alaska State Legislature for ten years. After Ethan's
first term in office, he was chosen by his peers to lead the House
Democrats, a position he held for eight years. He is best known for a
speech he made in 2006 calling out bribery and corruption in the state
legislature. Since then the FBI has gotten involved, and nearly a
dozen indictments have been handed down.
In 2006, Ethan began the year by running for Governor, and debated
then Gubernatorial-candidate Sarah Palin on several occasions. Once
Former Governor Tony Knowles entered the race, Ethan stepped down and
ran as Knowles' Lieutenant Governor. On the campaign trail Ethan
speaks passionately about the energy potential of Alaska, a state
which suffers more from Climate Change than any other. The renewable
energy potentials of Alaska extend from wind energy, to geo-thermal,
to 90% of the country's tidal potential. Ethan has been a leader on
these issues in Alaska, and can bring the same focus and fight to
To RSVP, please email or call Anna Morozovsky at (907) 947-1628.
Visit to learn about Ethan or contribute.
Paid for by Berkowitz for Congress | P.O. Box 91365 Anchorage, AK
99509 | Tel. (907) 56-ETHAN (563-8426)
PO Box 91365
Anchorage, AK 99509
To continue receiving emails, click here
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samedi, septembre 06, 2008
West Coast Green Team Happy Hour 9/11
Full Conference Pass drawing, and Free Tradeshow Floor Passes for the
first 50 attendees.
The Sustainable Business Happy Hour is thrilled to announce our new
partnership with West Coast Green <> –
the nation's largest conference and expo on green innovation in
building, business, and design.
West Coast Green will be sponsoring our September 11th Event in the main
bar at Bacar <> from 6-8pm. Bacar is located
at 448 Brannan, between 3rd and 4th Streets. This is a one time location
change to allow for a larger number of attendees.
Members from the West Coast Green Team will be there to host a drawing
for a Free Full West Coast Green Conference Pass and offer free
tradeshow floor passes the first 50 people to arrive.
West Coast Green is the largest event of its kind, with an international
audience of over 14,000 influential thought leaders. As the hub for
collective intelligence, West Coast Green assembles visionary thinkers,
business leaders, products and technologies that are revolutionizing the
way we build and live in our homes, work spaces and communities. The
conference offers dynamic networking where thought leaders can gather to
tackle real-world issues, exchange ideas, create valuable connections or
find their next business partner.
The Full Conference Pass gives you access to a keynote speech by Vice
President Al Gore and more inspirational presentations from over 100 of
the leading minds in the green industry.
The Tradeshow Floor Pass gives you access to the interactive tradeshow
floor that features 400 exhibitors and the latest innovations in green
building and business technology, including a green modular showhouse.
September 25–27, 2008 | San Jose Convention Center | Silicon Valley,
CA <>
Visit the website to register now.
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Sustainable Business Happy Hour and the West Coast Green Team
vendredi, août 29, 2008
private equity HUB SF event 9/24
We're less than a month away from the next round of peHUB Shindigs,
and more than 300 of you have already gotten tickets. The evening will
be a chance to hobnob, drink and munch with local VCs, buyout pros,
entrepreneurs, bankers and assorted hangers-on.
Be sure to join your fellow readers for for an evening of cocktails,
conversation and comisseration (or maybe celebration, given the
revised GDP figures). Tickets cost just $10, with proceeds going to a
local charity that will be voted on by event attendees. Here's the
San Francisco
Wednesday, Sept. 24
Pete's Tavern (across from AT&T Park) "
jeudi, août 28, 2008
Reminder Happy Hour at Yoshi's tonight 8/28
on Thursday, August 28 at Yoshi's Jazz Club & Japanese Restaurant in
SF Bay Area!
If you are interested in business or career opportunities in Greater
China, want to network with other like-minded, international
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About the Venue
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Yoshi's 28,000 square-foot, two-story, state-of-the-art venue features
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Event Details:
Organization: Asia America MultiTechnology Association
Event Name: ORIENTED Happy Hour in SF Bay Area with AAMA!
Date: Thursday, August 28th, 7:00-9:00 PM
Location: Yoshi's Jazz Club & Japanese Restaurant
1330 Fillmore Street, San Francisco, CA 94115
At the Door: $10 for Everyone"
dimanche, août 24, 2008
Turf Wars - playground, artificial grass and putting green leader
Sure, anyone who drove past 41st Street and Kiwanis this summer saw
bulldozers and dump trucks. But that was for an overall renovation of
O'Gorman High School that approaches $50 million - presumably for air
conditioning and fresh chalkboards.
That education stuff is fine, in small doses. But as a sports guy with
full-out fall fever, I was more interested in football.
Was McEneaney Field really getting FieldTurf and a video scoreboard,
all surrounded by a new eight-lane track? Or was this another of Steve
Kueter's playful exaggerations, like when he says Spearfish has "more
outside speed than most NFL teams."
Turns out the O'Gorman athletic director and football coach was
telling the truth (about the new field, that is). Fake grass is a
growing trend in these parts, and the Knights will join the Turf Wars
when they play their campus home opener Sept. 19 against Mitchell.
"I can't wait to get out there," says senior halfback Will Powell, a
featured backfield weapon along with Phil Wright. "The field looks
awesome. It should help us use our speed to get to the corner and make
Robbie Hakl, a senior guard who will help Powell and Wright find
daylight, is pleased about the changes - but also sentimental.
"We're excited to play on the new turf, because it will add a
different atmosphere," he says. "But nothing will replace the old
McEneaney. That field had an atmosphere of its own that made it a
tough place to play."
Amen to that.
Tired of paying the Sioux Falls School District to play at Howard Wood
Field, O'Gorman started staging home games at the Mac in 1998.
The Catholic school's new stadium soon became known for the amenities
it lacked. The field was barren and beat up, like a Renaissance
Festival jousting ground after too much Elizabethan revelry.
The scoreboard seemed a relic from the Larry Jacobson days at O'G, and
the seating and walkways were cramped.
It was common for visiting teams and their fans to complain loudly
about such accommodations - which became part of the place's twisted
I recall playoff games against Washington and Roosevelt in which those
public schools were so worried about conditions that they lost focus.
The Knights, meanwhile, were comfortable with the field's shortcomings
and piled up victories.
"We didn't really mind the old field, because we were used to it,"
says Hakl. "We played that to our advantage."
As time went on, though, even O'Gorman grew tired of the Mac's chronic
"We needed to do something just to run a regular business around
here," says Kueter.
The veteran coach agreed to give me a walking tour of the new athletic
complex, an ongoing $2.5 million project in conjunction with the
school renovation.
The $750,000 FieldTurf installation should be fully completed tonight,
and the Daktronics scoreboard (complete with instant replay) and
$400,000 track are also on target for the Sept. 19 campus opener.
The project will eventually include a new restroom/concession area,
expanded seating (for a capacity of 5,000) and a new track and field
area for pole vault, long jump, shot put and discus.
Striding proudly across a brilliant green synthetic football field,
Kueter stopped abruptly and pointed downward.
"Right about here is where that mudhole always was," he said. "You
couldn't grow grass on it, and you couldn't get rid of it. Well, we
finally got rid of it."
Things got so bad that the Knights considered scrapping the "great Mac
experiment" and moving late-season home games back to Howard Wood.
"It was robbing our younger kids of an area to use," says Kueter. "I
was keeping (sub-varsity) games on the practice fields because we
didn't want to hurt this field, and that was ridiculous.
"The soccer teams couldn't play out here because it was so bad, and
the visitors' seating (for football) was a problem. We just had
bleachers sitting on dirt; they weren't up in the air where you could
see. Even on the home side, people would put down blankets and fight
each other for seats. It was time for a change."
That's where the magic of fundraising came in - and there are signs of
it on the new surface.
The end-zone markings are blue and gold, but the logo is for major
donor Orthopedic Institute, not the vaunted Knights.
"I guess the secret's out on that one," says Kueter.
The O'Gorman logo does appear at the 50-yard line, and the field
itself symbolizes a trend in high school sports.
Ever since the "Turf Team" helped set up Howard Wood with FieldTurf in
2003, the synthetic grass has sprouted up everywhere - including
Aberdeen, Rapid City, Harrisburg and Garretson (Augustana and the
University of Sioux Falls jumped on board in the college ranks).
Yankton and West Central are among the school districts that actively
explored adding FieldTurf this summer.
"We'd like to have it as soon as we could, if it's feasible
financially," says Yankton athletic director Bob Winter. "A lot of
money has to be raised privately, and schools need to justify the cost
by how many times they use it. For us, it's kind of on hold right
West Central coach Kent Mueller said his school looked into FieldTurf
after having to move a playoff game to Garretson last year due to poor
field conditions in Hartford.
"We thought maybe we could 'piggyback' in with O'Gorman, Harrisburg
and Augustana, but it never got beyond the planning stage," says
Mueller. "The majority of money would come from private funds. I
wouldn't say it's dead right now. But it's more like a dream."
So what's the big deal about FieldTurf?
Well, it eliminates the costly maintenance of real grass while
enduring the wear and tear that chews up grass fields during late fall
in South Dakota.
Popularized in the late 1990s, FieldTurf also reduces injuries that
studies linked to older forms of artificial turf.
It has a thickness and density like natural grass, and the blades are
surrounded by a shock-absorbing infill made from sand and ground
As Kueter is quick to point out, O'Gorman has the new DuraSpine
Monofilament Turf System, which creates the look and feel of
individual blades of grass that stand on their own rather than
Howard Wood Field has "classic" FieldTurf with slit film fiber, which
doesn't stand up as well.
"There's nothing wrong with Howard Wood," says Kueter, whose team
opens its season in Brandon on Saturday.
"That surface is exactly the same as it was six years ago, which is
remarkable to me. But a better product is out now, and here it is."
So let the Turf Wars begin, as school districts try to keep up with
their neighbors in an increasingly exorbitant high school environment.
That means fewer facilities like the original McEneaney Field, where
the Knights got down and dirty on their way to two state titles,
paving the way for progress. playground, artificial grass and putting green leader
Garden Grove moves to lift ban on artificial grass - playground, commercial, artificial lawn putting green leader
The council voted unanimously Tuesday night to start looking at ways
to allow the synthetic turf at homes and businesses
GARDEN GROVE – The city's ban on the use of synthetic turf ban is on
its way out.
The City Council voted unanimously Tuesday night to begin the process
of updating a city ordinance that completely bans the use of the
artificial grass.
"I think it's very difficult to tell people you can't have a brown
lawn but don't put a green one in if it's artificial," said Mayor
William Dalton. "The point is you still have to offer people
alternatives. This is an alternative that is very viable. I'd rather
see artificial than brown lawns."
Marlem Mason and Cookie Smith, two residents who installed synthetic
turf at their respective homes and have led the charge against the
ban, were among about 40 people who attended the meeting. Of the 12
residents who spoke on the turf issue, all were in favor of
overturning the ban.
The council asked city staff to come back at a later meeting with
several options for allowing the fake grass in residential and
commercial properties and to look into the safety and environmental
effects of synthetic turf.
"I think we do need a little more time to study as far as what the
pitfalls are," Dalton said.
Dalton also told staff to halt any enforcement of the synthetic turf
ban until the issue had been decided.
Garden Grove is one of five Orange County cities where synthetic turf
is completely banned in both residential and commercial uses.
Meanwhile, the Municipal Water District of Orange County offers a
rebate to households that install synthetic turf. Of seven water
rebates denied because of bans, three were in Garden Grove, according
to the water district.
The ordinance had been enacted in 1992 for aesthetic reasons, staff
members said.
Some of the residents who spoke had already installed or were planning
to install synthetic turf and were upset that they could not receive
the rebate.
Several shared pictures of their turf, and a turf supplier brought a
sample to show the council how the grass has been improved in the past
Residents also talked about how easy the turf is to maintain and keep
looking nice. They stressed its water saving abilities, especially
during the current drought situation in California. And the lower
water bills, they said, don't hurt either.
Synthetic turf can save around 45 gallons of water a year per square
foot of grass replaced, which can add up to thousands of gallons per
household, experts say.
"I hope my city doesn't take too long to wake up to the water crisis
that is looming," said resident Connie Naranjo, who plans to install
synthetic turf at her home soon.
For other residents, the issue was more about government control.
"The subject of my lawn should be my business as long as it's not an
eyesore," said David Lauthboren, who has lived in Garden Grove for 45
The cities of Santa Ana, La Palma, Stanton and Orange have similar
residential and commercial bans, according to a water district
document. Ten other Orange County cities have various synthetic turf
restrictions and guidelines and many homeowners associations across
the county ban and restrict turf as well.
Several residents who supported changing the ban emphasized there will
still need to be some sort of standards set.
"I think there would need to be some consideration, like real grass,
where it needs to look presentable," said resident Rod Powell.
The council members agreed, and said that they would like to see how
other cities handle turf restrictions.
Overall, the council members expressed support for removing the ban soon.
"The less we restrict what people can do," said Councilman Mark Rosen,
"the better off we are."
by playground, commercial, artificial lawn putting
green leader
Greenbelt Alliance 50th Anniversary Wednesday, September 10 from 6 - 9 PM
open spaces and vibrant places. With grassroots action, education, and
award-winning research, Greenbelt Alliance helps Bay Area cities and
towns adopt smart growth policies. The goal is to create more walkable
neighborhoods, with homes people can afford, close to jobs,
services,and good public transportation -- surrounded by a protected
greenbelt of farms and natural areas.
Celebrate 50 years! On Wednesday, September 10 from 6 - 9 pm,
Greenbelt Alliance will celebrate its 50th anniversary at the Herbst
International Exhibition all at the Presidio, with local wines and
farm-fresh foods prepared by some of the Bay Area's best chefs -- and
you're invited! Please visit
mardi, août 12, 2008
Sat. August 16 - One Night Only - MIT's Betsy Salkind appearing in the Bay Area in fantastic show - tickets on sale now.
Area in fantastic show - tickets on sale now.
Julie Goldman's Offensive Women
The All-Headliner Comedy Show
Saturday, August 16 8:00pm
$30.00 Advance Admission, Doors 7:00pm
$20.00 General Admission, Doors 7:30pm
Buy tickets at or by calling 415.383.9600
Julie Goldman's Offensive Women, the all-headliner comedy show
features Offenders Julie Goldman (NY), one-time local Betsy Salkind
(LA), and our own Aundre the Wonderwoman (SF). The outrageous
all-female comedy show is now being presented in both New York and LA
every month, but we have them for a one-night only Bay Area exclusive!
The shows celebrate uncensored, fearless female comedians saying
whatever they damn well please. And they promise more than just
JULIE GOLDMAN, fresh off her new solo show The Julie Goldman Offensive
at the Culture Project, recently won LOGO's New Now Next "Brink of
Fame: Comic" Award. She also co-stars on The Big Gay Sketch Show on
LOGO. "What's so offensive about our show? You tell me! Offensive
is in the eye of the beholder. What I'm trying to do is give funny
women a forum to be as out there as they want to be, say what's really
on their minds and do material that's hysterical but might be
considered too edgy for regular comedy clubs." Offensive Women is
also producing a series of web shorts and is planning a headliner tour
in 2009.
BETSY SALKIND The Boston Globe says, "There are countless ways to
make someone laugh, and Betsy Salkind knows most of them. Want
sarcastic wit? Political humor? Or maybe just a good animal mime?
Salkind can pull all that off and more." Betsy Salkind was a writer
for "Saturday Night Special" and "Roseanne," wrote and starred in the
critically-acclaimed "Anne Frank Superstar," and has appeared as a
stand-up on numerous TV shows including "The Tonight Show with Jay
Leno." Best known for her squirrel impression, she refuses to be
pigeonholed as a rodent. In addition to touring, the LA based
comedian now writes for "Ethel's Law" (
AUNDRÉ the WONDERWOMAN -- has set her sights on political humor from
the beginning. A clever and engaging satirist, she uses the stage as
her bully pulpit, taking on everything from presidential politics to
animal lovers. She took first place at the 1999 Inaugural Russian
River Resort Comedy Competition, was a semi-finalist in the 2005 San
Francisco International Comedy Competition and is the recipient of the
2008 Stand Up For Justice Award from Death Penalty Focus, a
California-based national group, for her work against the death
penalty. She a comedy voice not to be missed, especially during this
historic political election season.
jeudi, août 07, 2008
MIT's Ronald Demon & sneakers on History Channel today
Ronald Demon -
"Tonight! 10 pm! The History Channel!
It's the premiere of The Works: Sneakers.
Verb For Shoe will be featured.
If you're not able to catch it tonight, the episode will be
rerun repeatedly over the next few weeks:
Friday, August 8, 2 AM
Sunday, August 17, 11 AM
Thursday, August 21, 10 AM
Thursday, August 21, 4 PM
Here is the webpage for this episode:
We launched a redesigned website last night at:
lundi, août 04, 2008
Reflecting on the Past Week
Date: Sat, Aug 2, 2008 at 8:48 AM
Subject: Reflecting on the Past Week
Once upon a time academic excellence was honorable and we taught our
children to do well in school for the acquisition of knowledge,
educational advancement, and the betterment of the human race. In
seems that, in 2008, this philosophy has been sullied or reversed.
The McCain campaign seems to suggest that Barack Obama's magna cum
laude degree from Harvard Law School and his presidency of the Harvard
Law Review (in and of themselves) make him arrogant and out of touch
with "the people." Mind you, this is an African American male whose
divorced mother was once on welfare during his childhood.
Further, the McCain campaign asserts that his celebrity or popularity
somehow renders him comparable to Paris Hilton and Britney Spears. If
we can put these unfair comparisons aside for a moment, clear-thinking
Americans might ask: Is there something wrong with popularity for a
politician? The word popularity is related to the Latin word,
populus, meaning "the people." At Gettysburg, Abraham Lincoln
enshrined the role of the people in our democracy with his famous
"…and that government of the people, by the people, for the people,
shall not perish from the earth."
Obama's excellent oratory has been criticized as rhetorical and
vacuous. I'm sure that the loyalists among the American colonists
held similar views of the declaration set forth by Thomas Jefferson
and that small band of men who gathered in Philadelphia on that hot
summer day of 1776. Lincoln's "brief remarks" at Gettysburg in 1863
were rhetorical and lacked the historic luster and power they would
acquire over the subsequent 145 years and the beautiful oratory of
Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech in 1963 was not nearly as
popular and universally acclaimed as it is today.
Let's hope that these historic examples teach us that idealism and the
commanding oratory sometimes necessary to contextualize it, are as old
as our country and are vital components of our ever-changing
Best regards,
vendredi, août 01, 2008
Pay your $20 h-b-a annual dues to reach your Bay Area brethren
alumni in the 9 Bay Area counties. Excluding duplicates the current
membership is 2674.
The $20 annual dues are suggested not mandatory. If you haven't done
so already, help keep us around. Click on this link.
mardi, juillet 29, 2008
brassrat-bay-area and harvard-bay-area groups on Facebook
harvard-bay-area on Facebook:
dimanche, juillet 27, 2008
California Contractor Specializes in Artificial Lawns by California artificial installation company California artificial installation company
Most people still cringe when someone mentions Astroturf, the plastic
grass from the 1970s.
Wade Petrini, however, winces when he sees vast housing developments
with big lawns of real grass.
Ask him about Astroturf, and he smiles.
"Astroturf was the mother concept," he said. "There were water
restrictions then, and they saw the need for a lawn substitute that
didn't need water."
Astroturf had largely commercial applications, such as in sports
stadiums. At the time, homeowners turned up their noses at the idea of
a fake-looking "lawn."
But artificial lawns have changed, said Petrini, a landscape
contractor and owner of Artificial Lawns Direct of Scotts Valley
(Calif.), which installs Pregra artificial grass.
Because of technological advances, an artificial lawn can be so
real-looking that it fools the casual observer, Petrini said.
Now made of mostly recycled polyethylene — tested and found "safe" by
the Synthetic Turf Council — it has other advantages, too, he said.
An artificial lawn saves on water, lawn-mower gas, insecticides and
weed killers, as well as discouraging gophers and being kid friendly
and durable enough to be used in dog runs, he said.
Grass stains become a thing of the past, as well, he said.
Petrini said increased demand has knocked down the cost.
"Five years ago, we charged about $13 a square foot," he said. "I've
become a factory-direct dealer, and now I charge $7 to $7.50 a square
He said business has quadrupled in the past two years, a jump he
attributes to the cut in water use and the product's low maintenance
Typically, he said, his crew will replace a damaged lawn with
artificial grass and install a drip watering system for remaining
plantings in a yard. In a recent project, a garden's water demand
dropped from 2,000 gallons a month to 85, he said.
by California artificial installation company
samedi, juillet 26, 2008
mercredi, juillet 23, 2008
Re[ubiety of black as the new white]: Could you use a Perry?
Americans. Several months ago I attended a Bay Area Harvard Black
Alumni holiday party. 100s strong, I found myself in pain at the
event. Individually many attendees had shared in confidence their
stories. More than one Harvard Business School black had prior to
that evening asked me how to get hired at Google. Many other creeds
and ethnicities ask me the same question. Anecdotally in my mind I've
tabulated the results.
If you are a white woman you said "their process sucks." "I don't
understand it." 13 months later you get a call back and an offer.
Maybe you accept. Maybe you do not. The blacks don't get call backs.
By all accounts Google's hiring process is obnoxious. Undoubtedly one
day they will end up with the image of Microsoft where no one cool
ever wants to work there as a first choice. That said, the Harvard
Business School blacks don't seem to have the same chances on the
non-engineering side of Google as their white and Asian brethren.
So here I am many years later off campus at this party. The talent
level in the room is humbling. You think Obama is unique. Think
again. I can stand in a room full of Obamas. It hurts me to see them
not get their fair chance at private firms. Even when they do get
jobs in Bay Area companies it is frequently one rung down and less
than their European counterparts. Promotions are impossible to come
My secret to share with the Bay Area is 'hey you struggling
corporations, wake up!" Black is the new white. There is a sea of
rock star talented black applicants, hungry. If you mentor them to
rise in your ranks they will make you stronger and more profitable
than you've ever been before. When you go to negotiate deals, for
various reasons it just might become fashionable to endue black at all
tiers of your enterprise.
P.S. Not to be a Google kvetch, I picked them for this example because
they are hip and bright enough with open minded leaders that get it.
One founder is famous for a question he used to ask in interviews,
'leave the room, take five minutes, come back and tell me something
you think I have never thought of.' There are some companies in the
Bay Area where blacks would be punished if the flag was raised that
there was a problem.
* * *
Re: Could you use a Perry?
My talents are on the senior tech management side, internet
development, commercial software all forms, portals, hardware, IT, et
al. I've managed engineers, engagements and project teams in China,
Canada, Israel, Australia, Europe, India, Pakistan, South America, the
US and former Soviet block countries. It needs to be OK with the
hiring company that I pursue ushow2, Inc. as a side hobby.
Have a current full-time gig, looking to make a change for the right
opportunity. If you act now, you get a Perry bonus of a few contacts
around the world, sales, Board and public speaking chops. Would it be
useful to you to have me join your team? I've spent the past 5 years
in a downsizing environment. I'd like to join a story with an upside.
Travel is fine. Would you care to see how far I can carry the ball
with a chance with the right team? Best,
Perry Gregg
cell: (510) 684-4152
P.S. Bio at 'more about us', and for non-profit activities.
lundi, juillet 21, 2008
mardi, juillet 15, 2008
Thank you h-b-a for this WOMAN, Inc. Board member addition!
executive is taking over as President of the WOMAN, Inc. Board of
Directors next month. She came recommended with 15 years non-profit
Board experience from our network when we made our second plea in May
for potential Board members. We already have an amazing ED and an off
the charts talented set of women Board members. This is an exciting
addition. Stay tuned.
Keep sharing on the h-b-a private network of students, grads &
faculty. If you have a success story, let our members know.
Perry Gregg
Board of Directors
mercredi, juillet 09, 2008
Be an Obama election honor besserwisser (208 cited issues from 2004)
hot spots of pusillanimous injustice in November 2008. Get the word
out. Let the invading meme of one person one vote descend from heaven
to every tellurian orifice. Pray every night that our Republican
sisters and brothers will join us.
vendredi, juillet 04, 2008
My Dad's U.S. Naval Academy first black midshipmen story
from the U.S. Naval Academy. The first black to try was James Conyers
entering the Academy in 1872. My Dad who was the fourth black
graduate from the Naval Academy knew Wesley. Dad told our family
utile stories of what happened, of how Wesley made it. What was
different Wesley's year was Jimmy Carter (our ex-President) was
Jimmy's fellow white midshipmen shared in this book what happened.
There was a conspiracy of a few midshipmen at the time to trump up
minor rules infractions against Wesley. They had agreed they would
continue to do so until he was kicked out. Jimmy Carter on his own
told this group he would turn them in if they continued to do this.
His fellow midshipmen as they got older, way after Carter was
President, shared that this was the event that made Wesley's case
different. One person.
P.S. Dad's bio
. He graduated with distinction at the top of his Naval Academy
jeudi, juillet 03, 2008
MIT freshman Ben Gulak invents the electric unicycle while wait listed
magazine. Here is the young man's web site.
mardi, juillet 01, 2008
Fwd: Book About the "Elaine Riot"
From: David Evans <>
Date: Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 8:13 PM
Subject: Book About the "Elaine Riot"
I've just finished On the Laps of Gods by Robert Whitaker (Crown
Publishers), the most detailed account of the "Elaine Riot" in 1919.
There are photographs and many of the last names will be familiar to
all persons knowledgeable of Phillips County, Arkansas. All black
Phillips Countians (such as I) with a modicum of religious upbringing,
will want to pray after reading what our ancestors endured in the face
of a brutal massacre.
My mother was a little girl and lived within three miles of the
epicenter of the massacre which began at Hoop Spur, AR (between Wabash
and Elaine). Even so, neither she, her siblings nor our grandmother
ever wanted to discuss it in any detail. I now understand better why
they were reluctant--after reading the book. Some of the perpetrators
and/or their kinfolk were still alive and powerful in Phillips County
during my childhood. In fact, I used to caddy for one of the men
whose testimony helped convict the twelve men, but I had no way of
knowing his evil history. Moreover, one of the powerful men who
supported the brutality was Gerard B. Lambert (a 1908 Princeton
graduate) from St. Louis who founded Lambrook, Arkansas west of
Elaine. His father founded Lambert Pharmaceuticals and invented
Listerine in St. Louis.
The book also offers detail biographic coverage of Scipio Africanus
Jones, one of he most remarkable attorneys ever to enter a courtroom.
And to think, he rose from birth into slavery in Arkansas to become a
civil rights lawyer that ranks along side Thurgood Marshall, et al.
He shepherded the twelve black men who were sentenced to death in the
kangaroo trials in Helena all the way to the U. S. Supreme Court where
Mr. Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. wrote the majority opinion
(Moore vs. Dempsey, 1923) invoking the 14th Amendment to the U. S.
Constitution affirming that they were convicted in kangaroo trials and
denied due process of law. This decision eventually saved their lives
and gained their freedom.
Here are links to some of the book reviews:
(scroll down page for review)
"Through many dangers, toils and snares, we have already come..."
Best regards,
lundi, juin 30, 2008
Obama candidate colporteur loses in November
McCain's heroism and leadership. These ads carry divisive, don't be
surprised, images of a financial moral crisis, the real estate
collapse, victim's families, troops, firefighters, gas prices maybe a
terrorist or two and a body.
Enter a newly compiled mountain of money at the convention. Pay a
black talking head to bowdlerize. Throw in dollars to Nader-Matt
Gonzalez for viability seasoning. Vicious, tasteless rounds of
negative ads targeted at Youtube. 30 second spots where Obama is
wrong on the economy, wrong on taxes, wrong on defense, a possible
terrorist of questionable gender orientation who lacks courage and
can't be trusted. He'll make Muslims happy. He is no friend to women.
He will take jobs and important opportunities from white workers and
white children. Latinos and Jews should worry. The seared weak link
for us is in the swing states between August and November -- there
will be no time to get to the truth. You know how easy it is to stick
a black male face with a negative association, ?
We won't be able to stop it. Unflattering photo after photo of Obama,
his wife, his family, ministers, old friends, pepper media outlets.
Co-branding bad with black people should be easy enough to do.
Disinformation, even Mrs. Clinton used the technique effectively
against Obama. If you can't convince them confuse them. Gore was a
RAT. Kerry the decorated hero a coward. At best Obama is a young
"just a speech maker", naive enough to give this country to the
terrorists and apologize and stain the name of the men and women who
have fallen in valor.
Go forward months in time. Am I lying to you? Look at the polls.
There are no rules. Imagine the red meat strategists who served with
our opponents before. Can you see their faces? We should do
everything we can. Don't get me wrong. Fight to the end. Give what
you can afford. But please pray every day. Only the sidereal
metaphysical motions of God can put those two little black daughters
of Obama's playing on the White House lawn as the first family. Pray
that Republicans will find it in their hearts to join with us.
London & Bay Area California going gaga for artificial lawns - by California's synthetic grass leader
California's synthetic grass leader
Installers say artificial lawns, like this one outside a residence in
Victoria, B.C., can be an economical choice.
In a land that's always been gaga for gardens, frankly fake grass is
making inroads
London–For the English, gardening is more than just a weekend pastime
or a chance to get some fresh air. In some quarters, gardening ranks
higher than soccer players or Royal Family shenanigans when it comes
to national obsessions.
The Chelsea Flower Show, held in one of London's toniest
neighbourhoods each May, draws royalty, rock stars and the nation's
leading fashion and literary figures.
The BBC provides four straight days of wall-to-wall live coverage of
Chelsea, not out of a sense of service from a public broadcaster, but
because the prime-time ratings are there to justify the attention.
Britons are tuned in and turned on to their gardens like few others.
How then, to explain the sudden surge in demand for fake grass?
At the esteemed Royal Horticultural Society, which runs Chelsea along
with other major gardening shows, there are neither gasps of shock nor
sharp intakes of breath at the notion of fake grass.
Helen Bostock, a horticultural adviser who answers queries from the
society's thousands of members, says the horticultural society has
recently used artificial grass in one of its demonstration gardens at
Wisley Gardens in Surrey.
"We don't get that many inquiries about it, but I do think that is
because people somehow feel guilty for even thinking about it,"
Bostock says of the trend.
"It's as though they feel we'll think they are cheating."
But, she notes, the horticultural society's information leaflets
include details of four suppliers and she sees demand growing for a
variety of reasons.
"People have second homes more now, which means they have two gardens
to maintain."
She also points to the aging population as a market for fake grass.
"The maintenance aspect of a grass lawn is high and it is difficult
for people as they get older. An unkempt lawn can make older people on
their own more vulnerable."
Barry Evans agrees. His London company, Easigrass, has just installed
an artificial lawn at the home of an 87-year-old woman who was
struggling to keep up the maintenance.
"Her daughter lives in France and they thought this would be the best
solution," Evans says. The past year or so has seen demand for his
products soar, he says.
In his largely residential corner of southwest London, he deals with
hundreds of inquiries a week.
"I had one client install it about a month ago and now I've got four
other jobs from friends of her who came round and saw it," he says.
Evans and Bostock agree that the key reason is the better quality of
the fake grass that has recently become available.
In the demonstration at Wisley Gardens, Bostock says, "Most people
walked right by. They did not spot what was different about it. It is
very convincing."
The new generation of fake grasses includes different shades for
different climates and strands of brown grass to give it an air of
authenticity, Evans says.
His supplier also provides an underlay made of recycled tires.
Most people turn to artificial grass because they have children or
dogs and find it difficult to keep a tidy lawn, he says.
"People just get tired of a boggy mess every spring that you cannot
use," he says. "It's about reclaiming your garden as a room."
His clients are not limited to families short on time to mow on
weekends; his company just installed a fake lawn in a $12 million
house on Belgrave Square, one of London's most desirable addresses.
The newer fake lawns have improved drainage and do not stain, Evans
says. His grass comes with an eight-year guarantee, but most
artificial lawns will last 15 to 20 years.
"I don't know of too many gardeners who give an eight-year guarantee
on their work," he says.
A city-sized garden that is about 25 metres deep would cost about
$2,500 to have fake grass professionally installed, Evans says.
With gardeners charging $20 to $30 an hour just to mow a lawn in
London, he says a maintenance-free fake lawn looks increasingly
attractive to homeowners.
Award-winning landscape designer Tony Smith's company, Hortus
infinitus, uses artificial grass in its work on school playgrounds.
"We do a proper garden design and incorporate the things that kids
need, including grass to play on that is soft underfoot," he says. The
frequent wet weather turns real grass into a muddy mess when kids play
on it for hours, he notes, whereas fake grass drains well.
Smith says such is the appeal of the new artificial lawns on the
market that he knows of several colleagues in the competitive world of
garden design who have opted for it in their own backyards.
"I, personally, would much rather have proper grass because it is a
natural habitat for insects and animals," he says. In some situations,
he notes, fake grass is a sound choice, especially if it is replacing
paving stones or concrete.
On the question of whether it is a good idea to use a plastic product
to replace an organic one, Nick Heywood of Greenlinks, another fake
grass supplier, says his product offers at least two environmental
"You're not putting petrol in your mower or using electricity, and you
are not watering it, so you are saving on water."
Heywood did mention that year-round green grass that is the norm in
Britain might stand out a bit should the trend hit big in Canada,
where most grass goes dormant over the winter.
Even so, Rob Hodichak, of Artificial Grass and Landscaping in Stoney
Creek, says his residential business took off three years ago because
of demand.
"Every time I installed a sports ground I'd have people involved in
the project asking me to install it in their backyard. Before too
long, the light bulb went on and we set up this residential division,"
he says.
The company now gets 10 to 15 calls a day and Hodichak says they sell
an artificial lawn a week at a cost of $3,000 to $15,000.
The product has a two-tone colour, he says, which means it does not
stand out too much from neighbouring lawns, and the cost is comparable
to interlocking brick and cheaper than installing a deck.
by California's synthetic grass leader
European credit union or non-profit financial institution
euros abroad? What credit unions in which countries are the best?
jeudi, juin 26, 2008
Re[8 days later]: Where are the Black Americans at Cal?
changes with the Regents. Thank you.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Perry Gregg <>
Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2008 18:51:18 -0800
Subject: Where are the Black Americans at Cal?
Harvard's college class next year is 11% African American. How did UC
Berkeley become a school without Blacks? How is it we may have a Black
man be President and Cal no longer has the quixotic racial dream to
educate his family?
June 26th the hand of God?
the back of an office supply isle Albany, CA, two black sales people
were talking to each other yesterday. "$50 for gas for you know that
[old horrific small] car I have to get to work." "I can't afford that
and make my payments." "I'm going to go on. Keep trying no matter how
bad it gets." "You know we know how to do that."
Earlier today a guy I work with confided in me that though he and his
wife both work, if the Bay Area real estate market keeps collapsing
and his association fees keep going up, he'll lose his condo. He
doesn't want that to happen.
Doesn't the force of this strike you in the heart? I asked an Italian
friend couple last weekend what they thought of Obama maybe being
President. They did hand gestures over their hearts (Italians have
many signs), they "said everyone knows it is time." "Everyone knows
it here [pointing to their hearts] it is time and a good thing for a
black American to lead."
Close your eyes. Do you see the quaquaversal confluence of events
here? American after American is being embarrassed and humbled.
Events abroad, then our injured troops brought home without the best
heath care, few jobs and no homes. Our throttlebottom team rushed
them to judgment and hung a man named Hussein. On their return an
unrelated man whose middle name is Hussein may win his seemingly
impossible bid to be President. What is the universe trying to tell
On our path to resurrection, the rest of America meets black America.
The hardscrabble outcasts. The down trodden. The jailed, stopped,
Ralph Ellison invisible people amongst them. So many mothers of
different creeds never let humiliation stop them from raising their
children with hope. Even when we didn't succeed, we tried again. Rest
of America meet black America. We each know many things the other
needs. Reach out your hand. Shake. We may need to sing a Negro
spiritual together about grace before this is over. If the best of us
step up (and I mean you Republicans too please), we are going to get
it back. We are going to set it right. We have a chance to change
ourselves to be healthier than ever. Pat your heart as the Italians
mercredi, juin 25, 2008
[Read King P.S. quote] 50 Obama events in the Bay Area this Sat., you pick?
closest to you.
P.S. "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in
a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but
by the content of their character." [Martin Luther King, Jr.] We can
do it. Yes we can. Yes we can.
samedi, juin 21, 2008
Working Class Voters
From: David Evans <>
Date: Sat, Jun 21, 2008 at 4:33 PM
Subject: Working Class Voters
Vermont is essentially an all-white state; hence, it's not a stretch
to assume that the vast majority of working citizens who recently
wrote to their senator, Bernie Sanders (Ind., VT), about their
economic plight were white. If their experiences reflect state-wide
economic stress, then surely it affected some of the Vermonters who
voted for Senator Barack Obama when he defeated Senator Hillary
Clinton by 20.7 percentage points on March 4, 2008. I would wager,
too, that there were working-class citizens who cast their ballots for
him in Alaska, Idaho, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota,
Oregon, Utah, Wisconsin and Wyoming where he also won and the
demographics are similar to Vermont.
Doesn't this merit a reexamination of the flawed-but-fashionable
analysis that Barack Obama cannot attract white working-class voters.
This unfortunate assessment was especially popular after the returns
from rural Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Kentucky where there might
have been other issues at play.
Best regards,
Want to laugh at Perry, quaff this
I should share this document according to that rule? Apparently Dr.
Daniel Guhr from Oxford & Brandeis, founder and managing director of
the Illuminate Consulting Group, is teaching a course (with 5 breakout
sessions?) on alumni networking. I am the featured case story after
Myspace, Facebook, Flickr, LinkedIn, YouTube of what not to do in
alumni social networking. Hardly what I dreamed of becoming (he says
embarrassed), but at least I made the list. Read page 38 of his
"academic analysis" PDF and then page 5. Dr. Guhr is the former
President of the Oxford University Society San Diego Branch?
P.S. Remember the blaxsploitation films of the 70s. Dr. Guhr (cc-ed
above) has me realizing I seem to be the social networking
Harvardploitation version of one of those movies. Remember John
Shaft, . I loved that
guy. You know the question in an interview "what negative things
would 'so and so' say about you?" Thanks to Dr. Guhr, I don't think I
can miss on that one.
vendredi, juin 20, 2008
Green and clean, time to take a new look at artificial grass by
Landscape contractor Wade Petrini of Scotts Valley pounds a final
stake Tuesday into the recycled polyethlene "grass" in front of Scotts
Valley Water District's reclamation plant office.
Most people still cringe when someone mentions Astroturf, the plastic
grass from the 1970s.
Wade Petrini, however, winces when he sees vast housing developments
with big lawns of real grass.
Ask him about Astroturf, and he smiles.
"Astroturf was the mother concept," he said. "There were water
restrictions then, and they saw the need for a lawn substitute that
didn't need water."
Astroturf had largely commercial applications, such as in sports
stadiums. At the time, homeowners turned up their noses at the idea of
a fake-looking "lawn."
But artificial lawns have changed, said Petrini, a landscape
contractor and owner of Artificial Lawns Direct of Scotts Valley,
which installs Pregra artificial grass.
Because of technological advances, an artificial lawn can be so
real-looking that it fools the casual observer, Petrini said.
A close-up shows the more realistic look of today's artificial turf
compared with the original Astroturf of the 1970s. Lucjan
Now made of mostly recycled polyethylene — tested and found "safe" by
the Synthetic Turf Council — it has other advantages, too, he said.
An artificial lawn saves on water, lawn-mower gas, insecticides and
weed killers, as well as discouraging gophers and being kid friendly
and durable enough to be used in dog runs, he said.
Grass stains become a thing of the past, as well, he said.
Petrini said increased demand has knocked down the cost.
"Five years ago, we charged about $13 a square foot," he said. "I've
become a factory-direct dealer, and now I charge $7 to $7.50 a square
He said business has quadrupled in the past two years, a jump he
attributes to the cut in water use and the product's low maintenance
Typically, he said, his crew will replace a damaged lawn with
artificial grass and install a drip watering system for remaining
plantings in a yard. In a recent project, a garden's water demand
dropped from 2,000 gallons a month to 85, he said.
mardi, juin 17, 2008
Want to see what our media genius Martin Perlmutter is up to,
the common resume. For Facebook, LinkedIn, Yahoo Hotjobs this company
has acquisition target written all over its back. Great work dude.
samedi, juin 14, 2008
Private Atherton Estate Fund Raiser -- Organic Farming Cause 6/21
Address will be sent to those who register, Atherton, CA US
View Map |
When: Saturday, June 21, 6:00PM
Phone: 650-856-8041
We'd like to invite you to the hottest party of the season on the
longest day of the year-- a private benefit concert and dance party to
benefit Hidden Villa and Old Skool Cafe.
6 PM : VIP Reception
7 PM : General Admission
8 PM : Concert
9:30 PM - 2:00 AM: After Party and Dancing
-- $150 VIP Backstage (meet & greet with artists)--
-- $100 VIP (includes dinner, concert and dance party)--
-- $60 General Admission & dance party--
No one will be admitted to the event without a ticket. Thisis a
private benefit event; exact address will be sent to ticket holders.
There will be approx. 400 people at the event, but buy your tickets
early as it will sell out.
Buy Tickets by going to
STEERING COMMITTEE: Anna Alioto . Maria Hermanussen . Celina Lopez .
Charles Marsala . Jeff Pollock . Yvonne Wolters
HOST COMMITTEE: Sheila Ash . Stephanie Block . Gwyneth J. Borden .
Robbie Bradford . Annette Giambronio . Teresa Goines . Todd Greenberg
Hala Hajazi . Kimberly Hathaway . Sam Leftwich . Amy Lesnick . Dave
Morris . Erinne O'Hara . Charleston Pierce . Beth Schnitzer . Lisa
Sonsini Marita Vargas . Eric Wasman
THE MUSIC: Narada Michael Walden
Drummer, Producer, Songwriter, Hitmaker (R & B, Soul &Funk)
Narada's smoldering R&B pop hits introduced such superstars as Whitney
Houston and Mariah Carey to the spotlight. Aretha Franklin, Wynonna
Judd, Stevie Wonder, The Temptations, and scores of others have sought
Narada out to fashion some of the biggest hits of their careers.
Narada has earned equal acclaim as a recording and performing artist
in his own right and will release his 12th album later this year.
THE CAUSES: Hidden Villa is a nonprofit educational organization that
uses its organic farm, wilderness, and community to teach and provide
opportunities to learn about the environment and social justice.
Old Skool Cafe is a one-of-a-kind, youth-run supper club featuring
talented young chefs, waiters and entertainers. They're using a fresh
approach to violence prevention-focusing on rehabilitating and giving
hope to at-risk and previously incarcerated youth.
PRODUCED BY: Heart of Silicon Valley is a volunteer-run non-profit
that produces intimate concerts to bring professionals,
philanthropists, musicians, and businesses together to give back to
our community in a unique and meaningful way.
lundi, juin 09, 2008
Artificial turf's possible health risks come into play artificial turf leader
NEW YORK - They're always green, never need mowing and can be used by
young athletes in fair weather and foul.
But in many places across the country, artificial turf fields are
becoming as hotly contested as some of the soccer and football games
that are played on them.
A new generation of synthetic grass, made in part with ground-up
rubber from used tires, has proved increasingly popular for schools
and parks as a way to reduce maintenance costs and raise the usage of
athletic fields. In addition to needing no mowing, they require no
watering, fertilizing or weeding, and they dry faster after rain and
hold up to wear and tear better than grass.
But in communities from Connecticut to California, some
environmentally conscious parents have raised questions about the
fields, focusing on the possibility that children could be exposed to
toxins from used tires and to lead in the dyes used in many types of
artificial grass.
"I don't want my kid inhaling that or bringing it home on his shoes,"
said Patricia Taylor, a Connecticut woman who became concerned about
artificial turf fields when her 12-year-old son, Liam, came home with
rubber crumbs in his hair and black rubber dust on his skin.
Questions about the safety of the fields have led legislators in
Minnesota, New Jersey and New York to introduce bills that would bar
the installation of additional artificial turf fields until those
states complete health and environmental studies. Less sweeping bills
in California and Connecticut call for health studies but would not
prohibit new fields.
Industry representatives defend the fields as safe and say the
concerns about health and environmental effects are based on
hypothetical risks.
"For over 40 years, there has never been a case of human illness or
environmental damage arising out of any of the materials used in
synthetic turf," said Rick Doyle, president of the Atlanta-based
Synthetic Turf Council.
Unlike the first generation of artificial turf, developed in the 1960s
and marketed as AstroTurf, newer fields are not hard mats of nylon
grass, which many professional athletes have said can cause increased
knee and foot injuries.
The new fields more closely resemble natural turf because sand and
"crumb rubber" made from ground-up tires are spread on the fields and
settle between the blades of artificial grass, resembling the dirt in
which real grass grows. That makes the fields softer and safer,
according to the turf council, which says 25 million tires are
recycled annually for use in the fields instead of being dumped in
Although artificial-turf football or soccer fields can cost $1 million
to install, about twice as much as a grass field, they have proved
popular. An estimated 3,500 artificial fields of all kinds are in use
in the United States, and as many as 1,000 will be added this year,
Doyle said.
The fields have won generally good reviews from coaches and players,
but as more fields are installed in parks and at schools, some parents
have begun questioning their safety at the local and state level.
The issue attracted national attention this spring when two older
artificial fields in New Jersey were closed after the tests found high
lead levels in the fields' nylon fibers. Lead can cause brain damage,
especially in children younger than 6.
Since then, several other fields in New Jersey, New York and
Connecticut have been closed after failing lead tests, and the
Consumer Product Safety Commission has said it would investigate the
potential health effects of exposure to lead in artificial turf
Doyle said lead chromate, the lead compound used to color artificial
grass, is present in less than 10 percent of the pigments used and it
is incorporated in the plastic resin, meaning it does not wash or
flake off.
Focusing on lead misses the point, said Nancy Alderman, head of
Environmental and Human Health Inc., a nonprofit health advocacy group
in New Haven, Conn., which became involved in the issue after Taylor
and other Connecticut mothers asked it whether the crumb rubber posed
a health or environmental risk.
The group called for a moratorium on new fields after a laboratory
study it commissioned found that heated crumb rubber gives off vapors
containing at least four organic chemicals that can irritate eyes,
skin and lungs, and one of which has been linked to cancer.
On warm days, synthetic-turf fields using crumb rubber can reach
temperatures higher than 130, but it is not known how much of the
chemicals athletes are exposed to.
Alderman points to assessments in Sweden, Norway and Italy of the
compounds found in tires, which concluded that recycled tires should
not be used in synthetic turf, as additional reasons that no more
fields should be built until comprehensive research is done.
Doyle countered that numerous studies in the United States and abroad,
including one by FIFA, the international governing body of soccer,
have concluded that synthetic fields are likely to have little or no
impact on human health or the environment.
But he said his group would welcome impartial tests conducted on
fields, not in laboratories, to determine whether they give off toxic
[ artificial turf leader]
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