This page and the listed discussion groups about Harvard are not affiliated with or sponsored by Harvard University or the Harvard Alumni Association.

dimanche, octobre 28, 2007

hms & mit law club hosts talk & dinner tomorrow, monday, 6-7pm - Developing and Managing Breakthrough Medical Discovery

*Developing and Managing Breakthrough Medical Discovery*

a discussion with

*Professor Raymond Gilmartin, HBS *
*President and CEO, Merck, 1994-2005 *

Monday, November 5

6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Harvard Medical School Room 209 (TMEC)

Dinner will be served

For further information, please contact <>

Brought to you by Harvard Medical School Entrepreneurial Society
and MIT Law Club

Xiao Wei Chen
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Class of 2009
400 Memorial Dr. | Cambridge, MA 02139 | 201.259.9822

mercredi, octobre 24, 2007

Re(Albany, CA Superintendent Job Available): [albanyschools] BRAVO! Open Superintendent Search Underway

Thank you for speaking up and helping convince the Albany School Board to do the right thing last night. Please help spread the word that the Albany, CA Superintendent position (includes one of the best high schools in the Bay Area) is open to qualified applicants with your respective alumni organizations nation wide. Let's make sure this search effort casts a wide net. If you know someone who would be a great superintendent have them apply immediately. Dr. Wong's email address is . If there is any problem reaching him or the Board cc-ed above please let me know. Best,

Perry Gregg

-----Original Message-----

From: Merry Selk <>
Subj: [albanyschools] BRAVO! Open Superintendent Search Underway
Date: Wed Oct 24, 2007 6:40 pm
Size: 2K
To: Miriam Walden <>,Charlie Blanchard <>,Jamie Calloway <>,Dave Glasser <>,Ron Rosenbaum <>,Albany Schools Group <>
cc: Willie M Wong <>

Congratulations to the AUSD School Board for choosing a full, open,
nationwide search process to select our next superintendent to replace
retiring Willie Wong.

As time is of the essence, the Board is seeking to escalate the search
process and get it underway as quickly as possible &lsqauo; with the up-front
involvement of the entire Albany School community!

official search process, all candidates who seek to apply must do so
confidentially; and since the Board is a potential employer, it is not
appropriate for any of us to discuss potential candidates in any public


These are not official notes. These are my recollections from last night¹s
AUSD Board meeting and from the 2002 Superintendent search.


The AUSD Board has requested a proposal with timetable, by its next meeting,
from Superintendent Willie Wong for the search process. The process could
involve Mr. Wong acting as a search consultant (at no cost to the District),
or it could involve an outside search consultant.

The board has requested a search process and timetable that follows the
model of the 2002 search (that brought Willie Wong to our district with
broad community support), as compared with the prior superintendent search
that involved far less up-front community input (and a less successful

(according to my recollection)
> * Early Community-wide Meetings with multiple groups of stakeholders,
> organized and facilitated by the hiring consultant, to determine the qualities
> required in a new superintendent for Albany.
> (I believe this information was included in the brochure that
> advertised the position.)
> Community Meetings in 2002 included (and these would hopefully be
> interviewed this time):
>> * parent groups (including PTA/PTSA at every school, each funding and support
>> group)
>> * faculty
>> * staff
>> * administrators
>> * student groups at AHS (?)
>> * as well as several open community meetings facilitated by the hiring
>> consultant
> * Screening of initial applicants by a panel of former superintendents from
> other districts to select the top candidates for interview. In 2002, there
> were 36 applicants and 8 were selected for interviews.
> * Official Community Advisory Board, including faculty, parents and staff,
> that agrees to full confidentiality for interview candidates and the interview
> process. All members must sign confidentiality statements to participate.
> * Community Advisory Board interviews the first round of candidates and makes
> individual rankings and recommendations to the Board.
> * Board interviews of the first round of candidates.
> * Board discussion, in closed session, with the Citizen Advisory Board to

--- message truncated ---

mardi, octobre 23, 2007

Harvard Independent Film Newsletter


The Harvard Independent Film Group is an association of alumni in
the Entertainment Business. The Harvard Film Group regularly invites leading Writers, Directors, Actors, and Industry Leaders to discuss their personal experience with us. We have frequent live readings and screenings of new work. Unless noted, our events are open to the public.

Visit our Website for more information and join our our Bulletin Board to post notices and discuss events with other members.


Harvard Filmmaker

Jason Hutt '99

Breezewood, Pennsylvania

A Feature Documentary

An intimate portrait of the truck drivers, travelers and homeless of the American road, and the social, spiritual and material nourishment that they receive from the service employees and local ministry in one of the smallest, yet busiest, interstate crossroads in America.

playing with


A Short Film

Barreling along freeways from behind the wheel of their big rigs, three women truck drivers share their humor, insight and experience of driving 18-wheelers for a living. This short documentary enriches and challenges every preconceived notion of truck driving, while seeks to understand what is gained and what is lost as a woman, a mother, and a trucker on the open road.

7:00PM - Long Haul


Learn More About The Harvard Independent Film Group

You can buy tickets at the door
or go online
Buy Tickets Online


Now heading into our tenth year, the Harvard Independent Film Group has held events with Oliver Stone, Whit Stillman, Peter Guber and many other creative and business people. We celebrated the anniversary of LOVE STORY with a screening and a discussion with its director Arthur Hiller and put together a RUNAWAY PRODUCTION event with Canadian Prime Minister Kim Campbell and New York Film Commissioner Patricia Reed Scott. We recently moved downtown to the TANK, a performance arts center created by recent Harvard Grads. You can reach our large international and uniquely upscale membership by sponsoring events and this monthly newsletter. Contact Barney Oldfield at 212-410-9404 or email us.


Join us and help us get the word out and put our monthly screening program together. Please email us.


If you would like to join our growing monthly mailing list or would like to change or to delete your current address, please email us.

The Tank

At The Collective Unconsciousness
279 Church Street
between Franklin and White
3 Blocks Below Canal St
& Across From The Tribeca Grand

Admission $7
or call 212-410-9404

You can remove yourself from this e-mail list by clicking this link..
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lundi, octobre 22, 2007

It is with regret in Albany, CA

that I share tonight yet another story from a different woman parent of a child with special needs.  I take no pleasure in hurting further the career of the person named below.  I'd rather not be near the center of this controversy.  It is sad to say but I believe these women that are writing me that they had a problem with this individual and that there is a pattern here.  I believe them that they are afraid to come forward because of behavior by the Albany School District and this person.  I have no standing to ask the Albany School Board on Tues. evening 10/23 to delay and investigate this matter.  If you do, or if you are a journalist, ask the Board to look into what is causing the Albany special education families to have this perspective with this individual.  Is it possible to ask Alameda County to look into this? 

Read what these people are saying.  Do you think these women are making this up?  The Board is cc-ed above.


Perry Gregg

*  *  *

From an AUSD parent tonight who asked me to keep her identity anonymous:

"I cannot attend the meeting, but I ask that someone speak up to delay any decision until we have collected as much information as possible, in a safe (anonymous) forum, from our community - would you be willing to ask? 
I trust that you will keep the following comments confidential and not forward this message.  Feel free to share my comments anonymously.  I too would like to help others understand the lack of compassion and immoral behavior experienced in meetings with Marla.  This is not someone you want to entrust with ultimate power in education.  It is also critical that we, as parents of children in special education, protect the precarious relationship we have with the school district.  Our voices are somewhat silenced in order to maintain a good relationship; without this relationship, it may be difficult to secure an acceptable education for our children.
It really says a great deal about the character of a person of power when she repeatedly uses her advantage to victimize the most vulnerable children and families in our community (through intimidation and insults, intentional IEP non-compliance, stating district practices as if they were law, misrepresenting IDEA, etc.).  I have emails documenting illegal IEP non-compliance. 
We deserve a superintendent whose focus is the education and welfare of all our children, not how to get away with under serving our most vulnerable children (in an attempt look like a hero by saving money on individual services).  A longterm approach to save special education dollars would involve investment in services provided in our local public schools.  Services in the district are poorly developed, and do not meet the needs of our special education population.  Many of us have had to send our kids to costly private schools at the expense of the district (and many have hired attorneys to do this - an even greater expense to the district).  To me, this shows short-sightedness and mismanagement of special education dollars.  If your primary concern is fiscal, Marla is a bad choice as well. 
(just one example: last year AUSD sent 5-10 students to Children's Learning Center in Alameda and Rascob in Oakland. This is the size of a class at one of these schools.  The district provided transportation and full tuition, including private speech therapists and OTs.  AUSD still has not implemented the CLC or Rascob model in one of its own elementary schools and middle school to accommodate these and similar students.  Why not?)"

Harvard Olympian woman at Stanford looking for contacts at MIT founded EmSense?

An incredibly driven young grad, former top Olympian from Harvard, would like a contact in our network to find out more about EmSense. She is a subject matter expert. Let me know what you can share with her?


Perry Gregg
ushow2, Inc.

dimanche, octobre 21, 2007

Albany School Board Recall Election

For the Albany, CA School Board members (cc-ed above) that may vote Tues. 10/23 to illegally rig the Superintendent selection process to favor one internal candidate, it is time for the voters to consider a town recall election.  The most important mandate of the School Board is to pick and direct the Superintendent.  Why would the Board want to pre-select the next person for the job without interviewing the best qualified available candidates?

What organization have you heard of that has an important position open and tries to change the rules so as NOT to consider the best qualified candidates available?  Even if some Board members can find other School Boards that have engaged in this type of nepotism in Alameda County before that does not make it legal?  That does not make it right?


Perry Gregg

P.S. In a County with a lot of people of color and an isolated segregated town from the bulk of that Black and Latino population it is mighty convenient to set up a process where Blacks and Latinos outside the town will not be able to apply for the School Superintendent position, don't you think?

Owais Aslam Ali, Chairman Pakistan Press International joining harvard-middleeast discussion (Yale grads welcome)

Please welcome Mr. Ali to the harvard-middleeast discussion. If you
have connections to Middle East leaders and media members, consider
asking them to sign up, .

Wasn't there a time of upheaval in Japan where warlords engaging in tea
room ceremony was credited with helping the healing process? There is a
story circulating that perestroika happened after several intellectual
leaders of the former Soviet Union ended up in a hot tub together in Big
Sur. If we get people to communicate on the same listserv that can make
things better. Best,

Perry Gregg
ushow2, Inc.

P.S. To join harvard-middleeast on LinkedIn .

[FWD: [harvardla] NewFilmmakers Networking Event Monday & Screening Thursday]

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [harvardla] NewFilmmakers Networking Event Monday & Screening
Date: Sun, October 21, 2007 7:06 am


Join us this Monday at the Purple Lounge in the Standard Hotel, 8300 Sunset Blvd, for the October NewFilmmakers Network Event. Doors open at 9PM and Lush Host Drinks from 9 to 10PM.

Meet our filmmakers and their casts and crews. Our Special Musical Guests will be Jean Louis Bartoli and Tashan Vinicini. The event is hosted by Rich Royal, Susie Kim aka Ran, and Larry Laboe and is sponsored by Robins Jeans.

This is a Free Event.



Join us this Thursday when NewFilmmakers continues its Monthly Screening Series at the A&D Architecture and Design Los Angeles, located at 5900 Wilshire Blvd on Museum Row directly across the street from LACMA.Tickets are always available at the door.


Our monthly A&D Architectural And Design Museum Screenings are open to the public with a $5.00 admission fee for the whole night. An after-party with Special DJ guests will follow the screenings with cocktails and the opportunity for the audience to meet industry, actors, and filmmakers.


Xanthe Hamilton Family Vilakati - Life is tough for the Vilakati family. Tough and intimate, Hamilton captures both the sense of tragedy and the strength of the family's bond.

Craig Parish MORNING THEFT: SKETCHES OF SCOTTIE -The life & times of cult musician Jeff Buckley with family pictures and rare performance videos.
[Screened at NewFilmmakers NY]


Naveen Singh 27,000 DAYS - Alone and on the verge of death, an aging man writes a final letter.

Jennie Na THIS SOLACE ETERNAL - Evan, a reticent young man, and his two best friends find solace in the afterlife.

Kat Kosmala LINEAR PROGRESSION - Strange creatures! Beautiful animation! [Screened at NewFilmmakers NY]

Sa Totah NEW TO LAUNDRY - You never know where you'll make a connection.


Wayne Reynolds SWEETZER - A Cooper is a writer, down on his luck and too cheap for private therapy. To deal with his depression, he decides to join a support group . . . for Sex Addicts. Set in a Los Angeles where women have taken to burning the paint off a cheating man's car, Cooper awakens one bright, sunny morning to discover the charred remains of his '83 Volvo and a furious girlfriend. Cooper pleads innocent, but to no avail. His girlfriend, Cindy, kicks him out of the house
See The Complete Schedule ,,,


The NewFilmmakers Series began in 1997 at Anthology Film Archives in New York & over the past ten years has screened over 500 features and 1600 short films.

In 2000 we brought the Havana Film Festival to New York, where it now is in its seventh year, and in 2002 we started NewFilmmakers LA now screening at the A+D Architecture and Design Museum on Wilshire. This Fall we will begin NewFilmmakers Online.

Many Well know films and filmmakers have had their first screening at New Filmmakers. You can submit your film on our Website or on Withoutabox.

Learn How To Submit Your Film / Video To NewFilmmakers ....

[See also , harvard-china, harvard-cambridge-boston, harvard-middleeast and harvard-europe networks, & .]

Recommend this communication vehicle to grads you know in the area please. The list has a web log . Only agreed upon with the moderator; event, charitable and public announcements end up in the log.  Please use category headers in your message's subject line HOUSING, JOB, CONCERT, ANNOUNCE, HELP, FYI, etc.  If you are getting individual messages and that seems burdensome consider setting your list membership to daily digest mode.

harvard-la branding is on .  Click on,

to join. 

Under Additional Information list harvard-la in the Groups and Associations section on LinkedIn.  The logo will then appear in your Profile when others view you on the system.  Regards.

Perry Gregg
CEO & Founder, ushow2, Inc.


jeudi, octobre 18, 2007


[On August 28th, 1963 in Washington, D.C., Martin Luther King, Jr. said,
"I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of
former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit
down together at the table of brotherhood." Do you have the courage to
go back together to the steps of the Lincoln Memorial and extend this
vision to our sisters and brothers of the Earth? What will happen in
the world for our children if we do? King said. "Take the first step in
faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first
step." Obama's email follows. Perry]

I'm leaving the Tonight Show studio and I wanted to share something.

Jay Leno just asked if it bothers me that some of the Washington pundits
are declaring Hillary Clinton the winner of this election before a
single vote has been cast.

I'll tell you what I told him: Hillary is not the first politician in
Washington to declare "Mission Accomplished" a little too soon.

We started this week $2.1 million behind the Clinton campaign -- a lead
they built in large part with contributions from Washington lobbyists
and special interest PACs.

We don't accept money from federal lobbyists or PACs. But we've already
cut that advantage in half with small donations from people like you.

Let's close the rest of that gap now. Please make a donation of $25:

Thank you,

mardi, octobre 16, 2007

Hillary's money

Last night each of the presidential campaigns reported their
third-quarter fund raising numbers.
The results are clear. We continue to build the largest grassroots
movement in history, but Washington lobbyists and special interests
rallied to help Hillary Clinton out-raise us for the first time.

If we want real change in this country, then we need to prove that
together we are stronger than the lobbyist-driven money machine that has
dominated Washington for too long.

The situation here is simple. We are $2.1 million behind. We must close
that gap right now. I need you to make a donation of $100:

Hillary Clinton aggressively seeks money from Washington lobbyists and
special interest PACs. She's even said that these lobbyists represent
real Americans.

She's wrong.

I think it's time to turn the page on that kind of politics, and that's
why I have not accepted a dime from Washington lobbyists and special
interest PACs in this race. We rely on a network of more than 350,000
ordinary people to make us competitive -- more supporters than all the
other Democratic candidates combined.
Washington lobbyists have chosen their candidate and are determined to
provide her with an overwhelming advantage. But you can even up this

In the face of the most entrenched political machine in Democratic
politics, I believe a movement of ordinary Americans can change our
country. And you can prove that right now.

I need you to make a donation to close the gap:


lundi, octobre 15, 2007

Albany Unified School District Superintendent Job Opening

The AUSD School Board has yet to determine how they will allow applicants for the position.  Albany High School is one of the best schools in the Bay Area.  Hopefully the Board will open the position up so we can try to hire the best person available for the job. If you are interested, please be ready to apply. The pay is pretty good. Willie Wong who you see there now is leaving.,_California


samedi, octobre 13, 2007

Don't be shy, stock the stream

You know things that the 1436 grads on the harvard-bay-area listserv may
not. Share. Each time you do we get to know each other better. We
become a healthier community. Read paragraph four .

Once every so often, when you are feeling it, post. If you've never
posted this is the time to break the ice. Email . Best,

Perry Gregg
ushow2, Inc.

jeudi, octobre 04, 2007

Soho House Screening



BEAUTY SCHOOL by Jessica Millington
THE BANKER by Kelly Broad
RIPPLE KEY by Peter Fitzpatrick
ONE by Yael Abbey
A GREG GARING DOC by Glenn Lazzarro

The Soho House Screening Series is sponsored by SX Media and is now in its 4th year. The series is the Soho House's most popular and longest running entertainment event. It seeks to showcase the work of the best up-and-coming filmmakers worldwide and provide them with a forum in the heart of New York's entertainment district.

The series is open to Soho House members and invited guests.

October 5th
7:00 - 9:00PM

Soho House
29-35 Ninth Ave & 14th Street / 212-410-9404


Learn More About The Soho House

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mardi, octobre 02, 2007

Newsweek Poll 28 Obama 24 Clinton in Iowa

Last night our movement hit some landmark goals: more than 500,000
donations from more than 350,000 people.
We also got news yesterday from Iowa -- we're leading in the latest
Newsweek poll of likely caucus-goers.

Here's the breakdown:
Obama: 28%
Clinton: 24%
Edwards: 22%

And our lead climbs to 8 points when first and second choices are

It's important to remember that deciding the Democratic nominee for
president is a sequential process that begins in Iowa. Generating
momentum early will be the key to winning the nomination.

So while the pundits focus on meaningless national polls, we are leading
in the one state where the electorate is most focused on this election
and where they are getting the most exposure to Barack.

That same dynamic explains the unprecedented number of donors to our
movement. The American people by and large have not yet tuned into this
election. But among those who have gotten involved, Barack Obama has
inspired record numbers to take ownership of this campaign.

We have a long way to go, but because of your support and determination,
we are shattering records and making progress where it counts most.

Thank you so much for everything you've done to make this happen.
David Plouffe

P.S. -- There's still time for you to be part of this historic moment.
The deadline for donations is midnight tonight, so please make yours

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