This page and the listed discussion groups about Harvard are not affiliated with or sponsored by Harvard University or the Harvard Alumni Association.

lundi, juillet 30, 2007

PKU Alumni Association of N. CA 2007 Chinese Athletic Sporting Games

Dear PKU Alumni, you are cordially invited to join the PKUAANC
delegation for the 2007 Chinese Athletic Sporting Games ("One World,
One Dream") opening ceremony.

This year's Chinese Athletic Sporting Games is sponsored and
organized by Northern California Chinese Athletic Federation (NCCAF, Over 100 teams of overseas Chinese (from Mainland,
Taiwan or Hong Kong) will participate in dozens of competitions.
Over thirty thousands spectators are expected to enjoy the games on
site. The opening ceremony will be held at the James Logan High
School Athletics Field (1800 H St., Union City, CA 94587) in Union
City. After the opening ceremony, the Outdoor Concert of 2008
Beijing Olympic Countdown will be held. From 2003 to 2006, NCCAF
successfully organized four annual Chinese Athletic Sporting Games
in Northern California, promoting physical activities among Chinese
communities in the U.S.

As a prominent Northern California Chinese Association, PKUAANC
( will actively participate in this event to show
our dedication to the cause of overseas Chinese unity, Chinese
community development and harmony. PKUAANC cordially invite you to
join us and show your talent and passion. Uniform will be provided
for the all the members of PKUAANC delegation. This is a great
opportunity for each one of us whether it's for sporting itself, for
developing long lasting friendship, for entertainment, or for the
precious memory that'll be with us for years to come. Let's proudly
show off our energy and talent inside each one of us PKU alumni!

Marching for Beida£¡

If you are interested in joining PKUAANC delegation, please email
Peng Cheng: or Kelvin Long:

Please see following for detail.

dimanche, juillet 29, 2007

Advertising system digital gold or foreign currency based?

Starting an advertising system from scratch.  Given the devaluation possibilities for the US dollar, would it be wise to make a system where the payments are taken in a foreign or digital gold currency?  What currency have you thought of, or would you recommend using?  What is the legitimate way to move part of your money into gold with the lowest annual storage fees?  Is there a bank out there that can take care of this for you?  What are the international tax implications?  Would you object to paying in digital gold if a company required it?  As an investor, what would you think about a company that took payments this way?

If a system existed for you to take on-line payments in digital gold would you be interested in using it?

Perry Gregg
CEO & Founder, ushow2, Inc.

P.S. The US has e-currency plans.  Would it be possible for the US to back the option of keeping your money in some sort of Treasury currency that is gold based?  Is anything like that planned?

vendredi, juillet 27, 2007

SF Green Drinks next Wednesday, August 1st - SPONSORED by QUEST: KQEDs Multi-media Bay Area Science & Environment Series

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: SF Green Drinks next Wednesday, August 1st - SPONSORED by
QUEST: KQEDs Multi-media Bay Area Science & Environment Series
From: "Robin Park" <>
Date: Thu, July 26, 2007 3:15 pm
To: "Robin Park" <>

Hello everyone,
Please join us next Wednesday, August 1st, for San Francisco Green Drinks (, sponsored by QUEST: KQED’s Multi-media Bay Area Science & Environment Series


**REMINDER — Please bring your business cards**

SPONSOR: QUEST: KQED’s Multi-media Bay Area Science & Environment Series (

QUEST explores the stories and people behind Bay Area science, nature and environmental issues and how their work is changing the way we live. Get your QUEST on with adventures and investigations on tv and radio, web extras, science hikes and blogs.  Find out about cars that get 100mpg, the latest in nanotech, big waves, bay invaders, biofuel bonanza, eco-golf, the physics of base ball, where are the bees and more.  Watch QUEST TV every Tuesday night at 7:30 pm on KQED Channel 9 & KQED HD on Comcast 709. Listen Friday mornings to QUEST Radio at 6:30 am and 8:30 am on KQED 88.5 FM San Francisco.  Watch or listen to past QUEST stories at


Date: Wednesday, August 1st
Time: 5:30-7:30 p.m.
Location: Varnish Fine Art, located at 77 Natoma Street near 2nd Street. Natoma Street is in between Howard and Mission Streets.

Varnish Fine Art will provide happy hour prices, until 7:00 p.m, at its wine, beer, and sake bar. Some food may be available for purchase at the bar. Varnish Fine Art doubles as a rotating art gallery with an emphasis on cast metal sculpture. More information about Varnish Fine Art can be found at .Contact information: Feel free to forward this email on to any groups or individuals who you believe might be interested, as anyone is welcome. We are keeping a distribution list for these monthly reminder emails.

Please send names and email addresses to for any additions or subtractions to the distribution list.

Please be safe when coming to or from Green Drinks. If you would like someone to walk you to your bus/train stop or car, please let me know. As always, please designate a driver if driving.

We hope to see you there!

- Robin

dimanche, juillet 22, 2007

[Columnist Kevin Lee Article] What are your biggest questions about Google's "Quality Score" and its impact on your campaign?

What are your biggest questions about Google's "Quality Score" and its impact on your campaign?

I'm working on a column, and I want to make sure I cover the issues on Google's quality score that the industry find challenging. [Kevin Lee]

vendredi, juillet 20, 2007

Brazilian Party @ Pizza Orgasmica, Sat July 21st - 9 pm

Sat. July 21st there will be a Brazilian Party @ PIZZA ORGASMICA/ SF
823 Clement Street between 9th & 10th
Phone 415 386 6000

jeudi, juillet 19, 2007

Definitive Study: Modern Humans Came from Africa!!

From: "David L. Evans" <>
Subj: Definitive Study: Modern Humans Came from Africa!!
Date: Thu Jul 19, 2007 4:48 pm
Size: 331 bytes
To: <>


The following link is to an article about a most definitive
scientific study proving that all modern humans came from "a single
point in Africa."

This means that everybody in the world is a Soul Brother or a Soul
Sister (smile).

Best regards,


lundi, juillet 16, 2007

Coaches as Teachers

[From David Evans,]

        Almost a decade ago I wrote the attached thoughts about the possibility of using retired athletic coaches and military drill sergeants to teach black males.  I had in mind those who are incarcerated or those who by behavior, lack of skills, societal inequity, and confusion are predisposed to incarceration.  The attachment was never widely circulated because I didn't know the magnitude of the multi-billion dollar prison budgets.  Today, we know that the money is there.  What is needed now are some creative approaches and the moral and political WILL!!

Best regards,


*  *  *

     Almost daily we bemoan the embarrassing behavior of past and present black sports icons because of the negative influence that behavior has on young people, especially young black males.  If, however, we could look past the uncomfortable public spectacles that these men too often present, we might see interesting commonalities in how they rose to prominence in the first place.  There were usually distinct patterns in the way these men succeeded in sports and some of them might be worth replicating in our attempts to help other young African American males.
     En route to celebrity these men somehow avoided pitfalls that swallowed up thousands of their peers.  How did they do it?  Ostensibly, it was their extraordinary athletic talents, but physical attributes are distributed without regard to race or class.  Yet, from elementary school sports through the professional ranks, working class black males are disproportionately successful.  More than physical skills are at work here.  There is a powerful combination of raw talent, motivation, societal reinforcements, media rôle models, luck, and, most important, notable mentors.
     The influence of key mentors (namely, athletic coaches) warrants serious examination.  How can they consistently assemble successful teams using players from neighborhoods where success of any kind is rare?  One of the best examples of these "miracle workers" is Robert Shannon, former head football coach at East St. Louis Senior High School in East St. Louis, Illinois.  In a predominantly black city where social and economic problems seem innumerable, his teams won six state-wide championships in fifteen years!  All of the championships were at the highest level of competition in Illinois.  We need to hear from results-getting specialists like Shannon who can help us retrieve a generation of young black men.
     Persuasive new approaches are crucial at this time because too many Americans are in the early stages of "compassion fatigue" or, even worse, feel despair at the enormity of the problems facing young black males.  Their attitudes are not surprising because the statistics are sufficient to deaden the morale of the most optimistic citizens.  Approximately one-third of black males in their twenties are under criminal justice supervision; "casualty rates" in certain urban areas read like those of a war zone; and several school systems report that upwards of three quarters of their African American male students earn less than a C- average.  Moreover, many of those who do excel academically are reviled for "acting white."
     Even in the face of these statistics, athletic coaches and military drill sergeants have been amazingly successful in working with young black males.  Some of their solutions must be applicable to problems outside athletics and the military.
Coaches know something about motivation that the rest of us don't because they have guided hundreds of thousands of young black males to excellence in amateur and professional sports.
     Athletic success has delivered thousands from "the Projects," gangs, drugs and, in the case of Mike Tyson, from the reformatory. These men weren't saved by some abstract Greco-Roman ideal of sports.  They were directed by human beings, motivated by influential persons, disciplined by individuals they respected, spoken to and heard by men who could communicate with them.  More often than not, those men were athletic coaches who showed these young men the positive relationships between basic talent, practice, discipline, teamwork, persistence, and ultimate reward.
     Drill sergeants have been the U. S. military's counterparts to athletic coaches.  They, too, have guided hundreds of thousands of African American males toward productive lives.  And before the All-Volunteer Army, the raw material presented to drill sergeants was often rougher than that which high school coaches confronted. Even so, sergeants like coaches, have been remarkably effective, and we need to learn from them.
     Compared to sports, the military is almost invisible to the American public.  That unfamiliarity might breed skepticism that military life can yield models for black male development, but close examination suggests it can help.  Beyond the enviable record of the drill sergeants and their enlisted men, the military boasts forty black generals and admirals as well as some 19,000 African American officers.  No civilian industry offers comparable statistics of success.
     How would we involve these men who are so used to barking orders that are instantly obeyed in educating these youngsters?  After all, the young men we want to help aren't trying to make an athletic team, and definitely haven't been drafted into the military.  Furthermore, who would pay these coaches and sergeants? 
     First, we should approach retired coaches and drill sergeants and offer to place them in no-nonsense environments like the ones they know or have known.  This time their primary objectives would be to educate young men instead of coaching and drilling them.  The "no-nonsense environments" would be the educational units of prisons and other correctional facilities.  Maybe foundations, sports organizations or professional athletes, could financially support this effort and, where necessary, help finance retraining of the coaches and sergeants.  It would be unfair to expect them to relive the frustrations so poignantly described by Gerald Kimble, a former football coach at Southern University in Louisiana: "We have done so much with so little that we are expected to do everything with nothing."
     Prisons and correctional facilities are suggested because that is where to find hundreds of thousands of young black males. Many of these inmates dropped out of school, are functionally illiterate, and were once athletes.  All correctional facilities have (or are supposed to have) educational programs.
     In their new rôles as educators, the coaches and sergeants could offer incentives for self improvement.  Where appropriate, they might even recommend reduced time for inmates who earn a graduate equivalency diploma (G.E.D.), learn a skill or pass college courses.
     Who would hire these ex-cons once they are out?  Maybe the state in which they served their time could experiment with hiring former offenders who come highly recommended.  And after a probationary period of exemplary performance, others might be interested in hiring them.

dimanche, juillet 15, 2007

Stanford Business School & SF Giants Alumni Mixer Tues. 7/24 5 & 7:15 PM

Tuesday, July 24
SF Giants Baseball Game and Mixer
5:00 pm Pre-Game Mixer
7:15 pm Game Time
Tres Agaves
130 Townsend Street
San Francisco, CA 94107
See Cost/Event Registration

jeudi, juillet 12, 2007

Fwd(From source wishing to remain anonymous): Google Search - Truthiness

"... I thought that I would pass along these links regarding Google adwords. From BoingBoing's coverage of the Google Sicko flack I stumbled across this email, where Google rejects adwords submissions for websites that are critical of a company:


Fwd("bloody hell, this is perrys model with a similar name..."): WeShow Launches Worldwide, Human-Powered Video Aggregator

From: tommyp <>
Date: Jul 11, 2007 10:29 PM
Subject: WeShow Launches Worldwide, Human-Powered Video Aggregator
To: jonathan speed <>
Cc: tommyp <>

bloody hell, this is perrys model with a similar name...

WeShow Launches Worldwide, Human-Powered Video Aggregator
via Mashable! by Kristen Nicole on Jul 11, 2007

WeShow is the latest in human-powered online video aggregators. It launches today in the US, the UK and Brazil.
Its editorial team (of an unknown size) will search the web to find the best online video content so you dont have to wade through irrelevant search results on YouTube, or visit separate video-sharing sites to find the content youre looking for. Organized into an unimaginable number of categories, WeShow takes some of the work out of video search. You can save shows to your favorites list, submit videos youd like to see included in the network, and search its site for the videos youre looking for. While you can leave comments, you cannot rate videos. This is also not a social network, so theres no interaction between users.
The other two sides of the WeShow site are the WeShow Awards and the TV section. WeShow awards take place on a monthly basis and aim to be the webs largest online contest for finding the very best video content. It works almost like March Maddness (only, every month) in that you start with several videos across 10 categories, and each week, youre votes whittle down the competition until youre left with two contenders. No word on the prizes that are offered to winning video clips, but the whole contest could just be a way to further engage users. The WeShow TV Section is merely a specialized part of the site for television content.
If this service sounds familiar, you may be remembering a post I did not too long ago on of company called DailyTube. These services are very identical, and leverage the ongoing trend of using people instead of strictly algorithms to do the searching legwork for us all. So what makes WeShow different? Aside from its monthly contests, the fact that its backed by The Pilot Group, which is owned by Bob Pitman (yeah, the man behind MTV and the ex-COO of AOL Time Warner) doesnt hurt. Yet at this point, WeShow is little more than a hyper-organized, online video aggregator. I think it would be nice to incorporate more editorial commentary for content, and additionally include the ability to subscribe to channels as well as individual shows.

Recommended: Piczo Layouts at Mashcodes!
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Jonathan Speed | Founder & Chief Wine Opener
542 Brannan Street Suite 303 | San Francisco, California 94107
tel +415.839.9516 | fax +415.839.6345 |

mercredi, juillet 11, 2007

Reminder - SF Sustainable Business Happy Hour is Thurs., July 12th

This is a reminder that the next SF Sustainable Business
Happy Hour (Green Business Drinks) is this Thursday, July 12th at
Elixir on 16th St. @ Guerrero.

Our sponsor this month is
<> is the place to find and share reviews of green
products and businesses. Find green alternatives by searching our
community-powered directory or share your experiences going green
with others by writing reviews. Add your business listing to our
database if you're a business owner. SustainLane is here to make
green shopping easier than ever! Please join us on Thursday to chat
about green products!

Sustainlane will raffle off 30 t-shirts, so remember to bring your
business cards.

See you all Thursday!

Chris Bartle
The Evergreen Group LLC
Green Key Real Estate
Sustainable Business Brokerage
Green Real Estate
(415) 750-1120 Office
(415) 793-0215 Cell <> <>

Ironman Triathlon

To view this email as a web page, go here.

Team In Training -
Team In Training
You've Thought About Doing an Ironman Triathlon - Make This Year Your

Now is the time to set your sights on completing the Ironman distance (a
2.4-mile swim, 112-mile bike and a 26.2-mile run)! You CAN do it with
Team In Training's professional coaching and nine-to-ten month IronTeam
training program. Join the hundreds of Bay Area Team In Training
IronTeam alumni who have completed the challenge while raising over $4.5
Million to fight cancer.

Here's what our IronTeam alumni have to say about the program:

"The most mentally and physically challenging experience of my life, but
I could never have done it without the endless support of Team In
Teaming!" George Kovacs

"Excellent program! Amazing support, team camaraderie and terrific
coaching." Paul Rudy

"The people and the cause are what I will take away." Jenny Nauss

2008 IronTeam Events
-Ironman USA, 7/20/08, Lake Placid, NY
-Ironman Canada, 8/24/08, Penticton, British Columbia

Come to an Information Meeting
Bring a friend and join us at one of our Information Meetings. You will
meet coaches, past participants and honored patients whose personal
battles will inspire you. You will also learn more about the Ironman
events, the training program and how fundraising will be made fun and

-Thursday, July 12, 6:30pm - Heald College, 350 Mission St, San
-Saturday, July 14, 2:30pm - Courtyard Emeryville, 5555 Shellmound St,

To RSVP to an Information Meeting, call 1-800-78-TRAIN or go online HERE
jb=ffcf14&t=> . For the Redwood/Wine Country Region IronTeam call
707-303-4800 or email <> .

Other Team In Training Options
The Fall 2007 season kicks off July 28th.

-Red Rock Soma Triathlon (Quarterman & Half Ironman distances),
10/28/07, Tempe, AZ
-Treasure Island Triathlon (Sprint & Olympic distances), 11/10/07 &
11/11/07, San Francisco, CA

-El Tour de Tucson (100-Mile Century), 11/17/07, Tucson, AZ
It's back on our list for the 25th Anniversary!

Run & Walk
-Honolulu Marathon, 12/9/07, Honolulu, HI
-Cal International Marathon, 12/2/07, Sacramento, CA
-Nike Women's Half Marathon (Not just for women!),* 10/21/07, San
Francisco, CA
*This event is sold out to the general public and the ONLY way in is
through TNT!

For more information in the San Francisco, East Bay and Marin areas
call 800-78-TRAIN, email <> ,
or visit us online at

lundi, juillet 09, 2007

Re: [harvardla] Google Search Truthiness

From: "Carl Sjogreen" <>
Subj: Re: [harvard-bay-area] Re: [harvardla] Google Search Truthiness
Date: Mon Jul 9, 2007 10:24 am
Size: 1K
To: "Michael Zeleny" <>
cc: "" <>,,,,

I work for Google, and I can say that we take this stuff very very seriously. Unless some law is being violated (either a local law, or a DMCA (copyright violation) take down request) no human is ever involved with "fine tuning" the search results.


Re: [harvardla] Google Search Truthiness

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [harvard-bay-area] Re: [harvardla] Google Search Truthiness
From: "Michael Zeleny" <>
Date: Mon, July 09, 2007 12:29 am
To: "" <>

On 7/8/07, <> wrote:
Oct. 17th, 2005 Stephen Colbert the comedian coined the satirical term truthiness to describe claims known intuitively or from the gut without regard to evidence, logic or intellectual examination. It was American Dialect Society word of the year for 2005.

Pick a topic or person sensitive to Google or Google Engineering. Compare the first 100 search results returned from Google, Yahoo, MSN-Live, AOL and Ask. Do you see differences? Are engineers inside Google adjusting their algorithms to achieve a publishing effect? Is a Dept. or person inside Google using the first page of results returned as an appeal to emotion and a tool of rhetoric? Are these first 100 search results publishing decisions being made in the shareholders' interest? Is it possible the differences are a mathematical accident?

Perry Gregg
CEO & Founder
ushow2, Inc.

Michael --
7576 Willow Glen Road, Los Angeles, CA 90046 -- 323.363.1860
All of old. Nothing else ever. Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter.
Try again. Fail again. Fail better. -- Samuel Beckett
[See also, harvard-china, harvard-cambridge-boston, harvard-middleeast and harvard-europe networks, & .]

Recommend this communication vehicle to grads you know in the area please. The list has a web log . Only agreed upon with the moderator; event, charitable and public announcements end up in the log.  Please use category headers in your message's subject line HOUSING, JOB, CONCERT, ANNOUNCE, HELP, FYI, etc.  If you are getting individual messages and that seems burdensome consider setting your list membership to daily digest mode.

harvard-bay-area branding is on .  Click on,

to join. 

Under Additional Information list harvard-bay-area in the Groups and Associations section on LinkedIn.  The logo will then appear in your Profile when others view you on the system.  Regards.

Perry Gregg
CEO, ushow2

dimanche, juillet 08, 2007

Yale A Cappella! Something Extra

> *Liza Angila <>* wrote:
> July 6, 2007
> Dear Yale Alums,
> My name is Liza Angila and I am a sophomore member of Yale's all-women a
> cappella group, Something Extra. I am writing you today because I'm
> currently planning our 2008 Winter Tour to the San Francisco Bay Area. We
> will be in the area from January 4-13, 2008. I hope you help me identify
> possible venues (restaurants, schools, night clubs, country clubs, hotels,
> private parties, etc.) or individuals who would be interested in booking us.
> Something Extra has an exceptionally varied repertoire, with songs ranging
> from oldies and pop hits, favorites of the younger crowd, to jazz classics
> by Sinatra and Gershwin. This enables us to perform at diverse venues and
> for audiences of all ages. We also conduct musical workshops, teaching
> students to perform a cappella. You can find samples of our music and a bit
> of our history on our website .
> If you have any suggestions or ideas that you feel would be helpful, I
> would appreciate your feedback! You can reply via returned e-mail or you can
> give me a call at home at (831) 338-3431, or on my cell at (831) 239-6530.
> I will be home in the Bay Area until August 1st and could even visit some
> of your suggested venues. Thank you so much for any help you can provide.
> Sincerely,
> Liza Angila
> Jonathan Edwards 2010

Google Search Truthiness

Oct. 17th, 2005 Stephen Colbert the comedian coined the satirical term truthiness to describe claims known intuitively or from the gut without regard to evidence, logic or intellectual examination. It was American Dialect Society word of the year for 2005.

Pick a topic or person sensitive to Google or Google Engineering. Compare the first 100 search results returned from Google, Yahoo, MSN-Live, AOL and Ask. Do you see differences? Are engineers inside Google adjusting their algorithms to achieve a publishing effect? Is a Dept. or person inside Google using the first page of results returned as an appeal to emotion and a tool of rhetoric? Are these first 100 search results publishing decisions being made in the shareholders' interest? Is it possible the differences are a mathematical accident?

Perry Gregg
CEO & Founder
ushow2, Inc.

samedi, juillet 07, 2007

"Am I My Brother's Keeper?"

From: David L. Evans []
Sent: Sat 7/7/2007 6:54 PM
To: Gregg, Perry
Subject: Am I My Brother's Keeper?


For the sake of historical perspective,
I have occasionally shared some inspirational
tidbits with African American undergraduates at
Harvard and other persons I consider sensitive to
same. The following tidbits are my reflections
on a speech by a visitor to my school in rural
Arkansas when I was in seventh or eighth grade.

Our visitor revealed some statistics
about Black History that were awe-inspiring and
quite relevant to the rôle of educated African
Americans today. He revealed to us that there
were probably no more than fifty African
Americans with college degrees in the United
States when the Civil War ended. Moreover, there
were almost five million newly-freed slaves who
were, for all practical purposes,
illiterate. Notwithstanding these overwhelming
odds, this handful of educated men and women (and
their descendants) worked a miracle over the
seventy years following the War and "saved a
race." Frankly, they "saved a nation" because
the United States could not have withstood the
economic and political burden of more than
4,000,000 nomadic, unskilled black refugees.

With the help of Northern missionaries,
sympathetic Southern whites and philanthropists
such as Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller and
Julius Rosenwald, they founded more than 200
historically black colleges and thousands of
schools during that period. This was
accomplished in the face of monstrous brutality
including widespread lynching. I've read that
between 1890 and 1910 upwards of 4200 blacks were
lynched. That computes to a black lynching every
forty-one hours for twenty years!

Our visitor reminded us that those fifty
or so educated men and women could have remained
in the North or migrated to Canada or Europe and
enjoyed relatively comfortable lives. They chose
instead to look into their conscience, their
religion, and into the future. They knew that
without skills and organization, all that the
ancestors had endured would have been for naught
and chattel slavery would have been replaced with
economic and political slavery.

He ended his talk with the daunting
question raised in Genesis 4:9, "Am I my
brother's keeper?" He said that those few
educated Black men and women in the 19th Century
nobly answered that question and he urged all of
us to contemplate it every day of our lives.

That visitor's speech resonates today
with even greater urgency especially among the
statistics about black males and it suggests
that: We must either keep our brother or he will
assuredly keep us. He will keep us in debt,
e.g., state correctional system budgets run into
billions of dollars with California topping them
all at $10,000,000,000! He will keep us in fear
(many homes in our communities look like jails,
with their locks and bars). He has already
driven too many Americans to believe that we can
imprison our way out of the problem even if it
renders African Americans an ethnic group without
functional males between fifteen and forty. Lest
we think this is a problem afflicting only the
black "underclass," we need only observe the
growing male/female imbalance in college,
graduate and professional schools. Could this
portend a single-gendered black middle class in our future?

The following quotation that I first
heard many years ago in Sunday School almost leaps out at me:

"As I approached the mountain I thought
I perceived a monster, but as I came closer I saw
that it was not a monster but a man, and as I
came even closer, I saw that he was my brother."

"I sought my friend and my friend forsook me.
I sought my God and my God eluded me.
I sought my brother and found all three!"

Best regards,


jeudi, juillet 05, 2007

African American Gender BALANCE in Class of 2011

-----Original Message-----
From: David Evans []
Sent: Thu 7/5/2007 2:02 PM
To: Gregg, Perry
Subject: African American Gender BALANCE in Class of 2011


In checking the 145 African American students committed to enrolling
at Harvard College this fall (September 2007), I was elated
(positively shocked) to see that the numbers are 73 FEMALES and 72
MALES!!! That is very, very different from the typical 60% female
and 40% male ratios (or worse) we have seen in the past.

This is NEWSWORTY; hence, I share it with you and will try to analyze
what we did this past year and try to replicate it (smile).

Best regards,


When Sharon Stone Visited Harvard

-----Original Message-----
From: David Evans []
Sent: Wed 7/4/2007 10:58 AM
To: Gregg, Perry
Subject: When Sharon Stone Visited Harvard


The actress, Sharon Stone, is chair of the American Foundation for AIDS Research Campaign and has been active in the fight against HIV/AIDS for at least a decade. Accordingly, she was invited to Harvard on March 14, 2005 to give the Peter J. Gomes Humanitarian Lecture and to receive the Harvard Foundation's Humanitarian Award for 2005.

The Foundation's Director, Dr. Allen Counter, asked me (as a member of its Advisory Board) to give some closing remarks at the Lowell House luncheon held in her honor. In conversation following the luncheon I recited some appreciative, but thrown-together "words of rhyme" of gratitude for her efforts in this monumental battle. She seemed impressed and urged me to send her a copy.

Well, I did, and now share them with you. Please don't hold me to any lofty poetic standard (smile).

Best regards,


When Will We Stop Caring?

When sunshine makes darkness and rain falls up;
And the vast Atlantic Ocean can't fill a cup.

When we think Aladdin, but not his lamp;
And the Sahara Desert is forever damp.

When Shaq O'Neal can fit in a thimble;
And Alvin Alley dancers cease to be nimble.

When endearing magic forsakes your eyes;
And this planet earth is reduced to marble size.

When angels of mercy are coarse and crude;
And our prayers and daydreams do not you include.

When we reject calm and embrace the storm;
And wear a strait jacket like it's a uniform.

When all shades of green have abandoned grass;
And these things unthinkable will have come to pass.

Maybe then we won't appreciate you,
But until such time we will be grateful and true.

D.L. Evans @ 2005

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If you are in India, travel there, or have connections or an interest in
the region consider signing up on harvard-india and sharing your


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