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lundi, avril 30, 2007

(From Barack Obama) "The cost of cynicism"

"For good reason, many of us have become cynical about what politics can achieve in this country. And as many Americans have turned away from Washington, we know all too well what's filled the void. It's the lobbyists and influence-peddlers with the cash and the connections -- the ones who've turned government into a game only they can afford to play.

They write the checks and we all get stuck with the bills. They think they own this government.
But today, we're here to tell them it's not for sale. So far, just this month, over 40,000 people have stepped up to own a piece of this campaign and prove them wrong. But the special interests and Washington insiders believe that they can still use their power and influence to control politics. They do not understand the power of the American people's will to change. They do not understand that when ordinary people come together, they can do extraordinary things.
They believe that hope is a fleeting feeling, and that people like you are a temporary bump in the long road of government of, by and for the privileged few. They are literally banking on it.
Will you join us before midnight tonight and show that we are a movement serious about change? You can make your donation here:

It's not going to be easy changing our politics. We're divided into red states and blue states, and told to always point the finger at somebody else -- the other party, or gay people, or immigrants.
People tell me I haven't spent a lot of time learning the ways of Washington. But I promise you this -- I've been there long enough to know that the ways of Washington must change. I'm running for President because the time for the can't-do, won't- do, won't-even-try style of politics is over. It's time to turn the page.

The people can count in politics once again. Now's the time for you to make it happen -- be counted and make your donation:

There is an awakening taking place in America today. We are seeing crowds we've never seen before; we're seeing people showing up to the very first political event of their lives.

They're coming because they know we are at a crossroads right now. Because we are facing a set of challenges we haven't seen in a generation -- and if we don't meet those challenges, we could end up leaving our children a world that's a little poorer and a little meaner than we found it.
The American people are hungry for a different kind of politics -- the kind of politics based on the idea that we are all connected as one people, that we all have a stake in one another.
I learned years ago as a community organizer in Chicago that in the face of impossible odds, people who love their country can change it.

You and I, right now, can make that happen. Thank you.

Barack Obama"

vendredi, avril 27, 2007


If you have an interest in the continent and want to connect to grads and students there, subscribe to this listserv.


mardi, avril 24, 2007

Library Renamed for Maxwell Family

Agreed David. That is great news!


-----Original Message-----

From: David L. Evans []

Sent: Sun 4/22/2007 8:48 PM

To: Gregg, Perry


Subject: Library Renamed for Maxwell Family


A favorite quotation of my childhood was from our family minister, the Reverend Theodore Roosevelt Redmond, and it was: "Sometimes the world seems as right as it was commanded to be righteous. Sometimes the good, the fair, the just and the loving are given what they deserve while they live and their examples are still real and believable­-especially to young people."

Such are the examples of the five Maxwell sisters (see link below) from tiny Bathurst, New Brunswick, Canada. All of them graduated from Harvard: Cynthia ("Cindy") AB 1992, MD 1997; Linda AB 1996; Rita AB 1998, Ada AB 2002; Dina AB 2006.

This fall the Bathurst High School (from which they all graduated) will rename its library "The Maxwell Family Library" in honor of the five sisters, their mother Irene and their late father Samuel. HOW WONDERFUL!!!

Best regards,


dimanche, avril 22, 2007

HARVARD IN HOLLYWOOD 2007, "The Future of Film", Sat. April 28 - LA

Harvardwood, the Harvard Business School Association of Southern California, and the Harvard-Radcliffe Club of Southern California are pleased to present the third annual HARVARD IN HOLLYWOOD symposium:

"The Future of Film"
Sat., April 28th
8:30 AM - 2:00 PM
Luxe Hotel
11461 Sunset Blvd.
LA, CA 90049

Keynote address by Michael Lynton AB '82, MBA '87, Chairman and CEO of Sony Pictures.

Other confirmed alumni speakers include:
Paul Attanasio (screenwriter/producer - The Good German, TV's "House")
Ron Bass (screenwriter/producer - Rain Main, The Joy Luck Club)
Stokely Chaffin (producer - Sweet Home Alabama, Out of Time)
Debra Martin Chase (producer - The Princess Diaries, Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants)
John Davis (producer - Norbit, Eragon, I Robot)
Lucy Fisher (producer - Memoirs of a Geisha, Jarhead)
Aleen Keshishian (manager - Brillstein Grey Entertainment)
Daniel Lin (SVP Production, Warner Bros)
Keri Putnam (Pres. of Production, Miramax)
Ed Zwick (director/producer/writer - Blood Diamond, The Last Samurai)

To register or for more info, please visit:

Lunch and continental breakfast are included in the ticket price. The deadline to purchase tickets at the advance ticket price is Mon, April 23, 11:59 pm Pacific Time.

Ticket prices:
$50 in advance for Paid Members of Harvardwood, HBSASC & HRCSC (limit
one ticket per Paid Member)
$70 in advance for Affiliates, Friends of Harvardwood and Guests
$90 for everyone after April 23 and at the door
There are no physical tickets; there will be a confirmed guest list at the door.

vendredi, avril 20, 2007

harvard-sf name changed to harvard-bay-area

Same group name changed, focused on the Bay Area with an emphasis on SF. As we head for 2000 members, you need to be in contact with others in the vicinity.



lundi, avril 16, 2007

Any body have an old fax machine?

Need a second one for a business fax line. It will rarely be used. It is wasteful to not reuse if reuse is possible. Have an IBM server that could trade for the fax machine. Best,


dimanche, avril 15, 2007

Join the Consulate General of Switzerland in SF Celebrating at the Exploratorium Sunday 2-4 PM 4/15/2007

“[J]oin us to celebrate Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler’s 300th birthday. We will count vertices, edges, faces, eat cake and think about pi. This afternoon includes special guest speakers. Be there or be square!

Sam Vandervelde received his doctoral degree from the University of Chicago in June 2004, and is currently coordinating the Mandelbrot math competition, organizing a math circle at Stanford, and launching a program for middle school math teachers. His mathematical interests include algebraic number theory, graph theory, L-functions, and Mahler measure. He resumed his graduate studies after a five year stint teaching mathematics at a private boys in Boston for grades seven through twelve.

Not surprisingly, Dr. Vandervelde loved taking math contests while in high school and college. He is proud of winning ARML his senior year while attending Amherst County High School, as well as being selected for the 1989 IMO team, which took 5th place in West Germany later that summer.

We will also have hands-on activities provided by a member of the Exploratorium's Teacher Institute.


2:00 pm Welcome by the Exploratorium, swissnex and the Consulate General of Switzerland.

2:10 pm Dr. Sam Vandervelde, Coordinator of the Mandelbrot math competition and host of the Stanford University’s math circle.

3.00 pm Q&A, networking reception”


lundi, avril 09, 2007

Holly's West - 4.24.07 - Santa Monica Spring Fling!

+ Holly's West - 4.24.07 - Santa Monica


Holly's West Thumbnail

Spring Fling!

Tuesday, April 24th

7 – 10 PM


2460 Wilshire Blvd (Cross Street: 25th Street)

Santa Monica, 90403

Advance RSVP Required

Deadline: when we hit capacity

Click Here for Tickets

$14/ person

Spring is heating up with sunny days and hot nights and so is The Ivy Plus Society. We’re planning a night in the Wild West of Holly’s and Santa Monica.

TIPS will have this entire, fabulous club to ourselves, so if you see any scandalous behavior, you’ll have no one to blame (or credit) but yourselves . We’re counting on you to put the Fling in this Spring night. Last month’s Purple Party will be tough to beat – y’all finally made it out on the dance floor & kept the party going well into the morning hours… but we have faith that you’ll keep up for April’s Round 2.

We’re filling the night with all the usual suspects thanks to the dazzling LA young alumni coordinators from Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Duke, Harvard, MIT, Oxford, Princeton, Stanford, U Chicago, & Yale. Coordinators will be wearing Mardi Gras beads, so find your nearest beaded beauty and give them a big, wet sloppy hug. Look out for Lauren AdlerColumbia’s dazzling new Young Alum Coordinator - and make sure to haze her with a welcome shot!

RSVP Required:
Ticket Link
This event will sell-out as always. So, don’t wait to RSVP. We will shut-down the RSVPs once we reach capacity. No tickets will be sold at the door and you MUST be on the list to attend. No walk-ins & no exceptions.

*You must be 21 to attend & plan to drink responsibly. Designate a driver because we think you’re pretty just the way you are & would hate to see asphalt ruin your oh-so-lovely complexion.
*No refunds or cancellations permitted.

samedi, avril 07, 2007

Through the Bay Area 11 incubator ostiary

There were several requests that what was found be shared with you! See the second half of this page.


Perry Gregg
CEO & Founder - "Be Transmitted"

vendredi, avril 06, 2007

Harvard Independent Film Group

Harvard Independent Film Group
sponsored by Crimson Screen Partners

April 11th, 2007

Bob Hummer

Richard Herd

A father makes a surprise visit to Los Angeles to drop in on
his four forty-something sons. It is immediately apparent
that Dad is less-than-welcome as he is quickly bounced from
household to household. His four highly dysfunctional sons
play a game of human 'hot potato' with Dad as they
humorously shirk the responsibility of spending time with and
dealing with dad. A dark family secret lies at the bottom of
all this turmoil.


Dore Hammond

A forty-five minute documentary about New York City in the
1950s through the early 1960s. The film sings the praises of
the people who contributed to the culture of the city and to
the world.


Admission Is $7
8:00PM Film Screening

The Tank @ The Collective Unconsciousness
279 Church Street
between Franklin and White

3 Blocks Below Canal St
& Across From The Tribeca Grand

Space is very limited so please
or reply to this email / call 212-410-9404


The Harvard Film Group regularly invites leading Writers,
Directors, Actors, and Industry Leaders to discuss their
personal experience with us. We have frequent live
readings and screenings of new work. We also have
Harvard Film OnLine where members can post information
about upcoming events and shares their views.

More Information at

mercredi, avril 04, 2007

Where we stand [message from Barack Obama]

Ten weeks ago, on an icy day in Springfield, we launched an audacious campaign to change our politics and lift our country.

Today, I have some exciting news to share about the phenomenal progress we've made. And I wanted you to hear it first.

I'm proud to tell you that, after the first quarter of the campaign, we've exceeded all of our hopes and expectations.

In less than three months, a staggering 100,000 Americans have contributed to our cause -- tens of thousands more than the number reported by any other campaign. Thats on top of the hundreds of thousands who have attended rallies, started groups and shared their ideas and energy.

It's been a truly historic response -- a measure of just how hungry people are to turn the page on this era of small and destructive politics and repair our American community.

And because of that extraordinary base of support, we were able to raise an astonishing $25 million -- $23.5 million of which can be used to help us in the upcoming primary contests.

What makes this achievement even more noteworthy is that we did it without taking any money from PACs or federal lobbyists. Instead, were counting on you; on folks across America who want to take their country back and steer us to a better course.

You've sent an unmistakable message to the political establishment in Washington about the power and seriousness of our challenge.

But for all the impressive numbers by which pundits will judge this campaign, we know that every step of our progress happens one person at a time.

One person sharing their story of why they decided to get involved in the political process, one volunteer deciding to have a conversation about the campaign with their neighbor, one donor owning a piece of this campaign for as little as $5.

I've been struck by how personal this campaign experience has been for so many of you.

You heard last week from Rashed, a veteran and father who made his first-ever donation to a political campaign because of his hopes for his daughter. This campaign is the story of hundreds of thousands of people like him -- people participating because they believe that politics can mean something again.

We've put together a small presentation about all we've accomplished together so far, and links to a few of the personal stories from people who donated to the campaign or hosted a community get-together this past weekend. You can see it here:

I want to thank you for all that you have done so far. This milestone for our campaign proves something I learned as a community organizer long ago: that together a whole lot of ordinary people can achieve something extraordinary.

And we're only just getting started.

Thank you,

Barack Obama

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