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mercredi, février 28, 2007

Hollywood Ivy March 29 Alum Party

Ivy March Alum Party

Thursday, March 29, 2007

7 – 10 PM


8300 Sunset Blvd.

Hollywood, 90069

Advance RSVP Required

Deadline: when we hit capacity

Click here for tickets

$13/ person

For March, the Ivy Plus Party is heading to the Sunset Strip. Purple Lounge is an intimate club tucked away in a little-known part of the Standard Hotel on Sunset. The whole place is reserved just for TIPS. The DJ will start spinning at 7 (and by 10, after a few cocktails, chances are we will be too…!).

London Times calls Purple “the place to be seen,” while In Style dubs it “playground to the beautiful people.” Sounds like you will fit right in.

We’re filling the night with all the usual suspects thanks to the dazzling LA young alumni coordinators from Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Duke, Harvard, MIT, Oxford, Princeton, Stanford, U Chicago, U Penn, & Yale. Rest up to ensure you can keep up with this crew.

RSVP Required:
Click here for tickets

This event will sell-out as always. So, don’t wait to RSVP. We will shut-down the RSVPs once we reach capacity. No tickets will be sold at the door and you MUST be on the list to attend. No walk-ins & no exceptions.

*You must be 21 to attend & plan to drink responsibly. Designate a driver because we think you’re pretty just the way you are & would hate to see asphalt ruin that lovely complexion of yours.
*No refunds or cancellations permitted.

lundi, février 26, 2007

Rev. Pauli Murray, 1st Black Female Episcopal Priest

From: David L. Evans []
Sent: Sun 2/25/2007 11:49 AM
To: Gregg, Perry
Subject: Rev. Pauli Murray, 1st Black Female Episcopal Priest


The following link is to a biographic piece from yesterday's Baltimore
Sun about the late Rev. Dr. Anna Pauline "Pauli" Murray (1910--1985),
the first black woman ordained in the Episcopal Church. Hers was a
most fascinating life and I am embarrassed that I had never heard of

Her accomplishments read like narration from a myth and--to think--she
dwelled among us.,0,2859584.column?coll=bal-home-columnists

Best regards,


vendredi, février 16, 2007

Barack Obama's Missing Moiety

Could you see yourself supporting Harvard Law School grad and one of the best of us, U.S. Senator Obama in time for the early primaries? When the poo hits the fan and you see him not give up, will you be able to say to your network, neighbors and family, that you are voting for a black man in the primaries for President?


P.S. No matter your party, consider when MLK said he saw a unified world where all backgrounds, genders and creeds were together as one family, do you think he expected that many of us would step up at the right time to help make it happen?

jeudi, février 15, 2007

Princeton and Harvard Presidential Ties

From: David L. Evans
Sent: Thu 2/15/2007 5:14 AM
To: Gregg, Perry
Subject: Princeton and Harvard Presidential Ties


The following link is to an article in a recent issue of the Daily
Princetonian regarding Harvard President-Designee Drew Gilpin Faust's
strong family ties to Princeton. Maybe this is a good omen that she
and Shirley Tilghman (President of Princeton) will work together for
good purpose as did former presidents Derek Bok of Harvard and Bill
Bowen of Princeton. Their book, "The Shape of the River: Long-Term
Consequences of Considering Race in College and University
Admissions," was most helpful in the battle to keep the doors of
higher education open to all Americans.



mardi, février 13, 2007

Wine Mavens to SuperVine!

If you get a chance check out my friend's new wine blog: . The blog is slightly irreverent, and designed to have fun with wine and related lifestyle. It is the precursor to his soon to be launched Supervine website. All contributors welcome.


lundi, février 12, 2007

Harvard Independent Film Group

Harvard Independent
Film Group

Friday, February 16th


Orphans of Mathare

Film by Randy Bell '00 & Pacho Velez '02

Orphans of Mathare documents the lives of former street children now living at the Good Samaritan Children's Home, an orphanage and school in the Mathare Slum of Nairobi, Kenya. By following the lives of several orphans, the film lays bare the complicated relationship between poverty, violence, disease, Christianity, tradition and the orphan crisis in Sub-Saharan Africa. The film encourages Western audiences to ask questions of themselves regarding their role in dealing with this global problem.

Also Showing

Looking at you looking at you:
4.0 points in an attempt at redeeming everyday life, illustrated by publicly posted video

Paul Cantagallo '00 & Dan Cantagallo '02

Do I want to see your life? Your kid swinging on a swing, your office cubicle, you making a tomato sandwich? You leading a cult, you mowing down your enemies? You sent it to me anyway, and I feel strangely included, especially when your face flickers, or something floats off, out of the frame, that shouldn't be there.

House Of The Olive Tree

Thouly Dosios '92

Anna has constructed a world for herself in which cicadas obey her signal to sing and her feelings lay suppressed under her tight controlling grip. Her safety net unravels when Markos invades her life.


The Tank
279 Church Street
between Franklin and White

3 Blocks Below Canal St
& Across From The Tribeca Grand

7:00PM Honest Tea Reception
8:00PM Film Screening

Admission Is $7

Space is very limited so please
or reply to this email / call 212-410-9404


The Harvard Film Group regularly invites leading Writers, Directors, Actors, and Industry Leaders to discuss their personal experience with us. We have frequent live readings and screenings of new work. We also have Harvard Film OnLine where members can post information about upcoming events and shares their views.

vendredi, février 09, 2007

Harvard's First Woman President Drew Gilpin Faust ...

May be confirmed on Sunday 2/11/2007.
