This page and the listed discussion groups about Harvard are not affiliated with or sponsored by Harvard University or the Harvard Alumni Association.

mardi, octobre 31, 2006

Berkeley Digital Media Conference 11/18

I wanted to forward on information about an upcoming Digital Media conference we are holding at the Haas School of Business (November 18th). I am one of the organizers, and we are hoping to build on last year's success! We have a number of great panelists lined up, and a senior VP from Yahoo! as a keynote. Companies represented include: Yahoo!, Google, Technicolor, LucasArts, Sprint, Autodesk to name a few.

Ticket prices go up on November 11th, so please register today!

When you are registering, please put my name under how your heard about the conference

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Angus Maclaurin '00

Angus Maclaurin
MBA Candidate Class of 2007
Haas School of Business, Berkeley

samedi, octobre 28, 2006

Monthly Harvard SF Conference Call

Anyone want to help me sponsor a monthly SF Bay Area grad conference call? I'm getting a lot of alums wanting to contact me to get to others. What needs to happen is we create a regular vehicle (The Call) where we talk with each other, share and build a mix of relationships. The agenda for The Call will be emailed in advance and the subject matter can vary based upon interest. No matter is too small or too lofty would be my guideline.

If the Harvard Club of SF wants to take this idea and run with it I am fine about that too.


jeudi, octobre 26, 2006

Cyberposium 12 - Harvard Business School Technology Conference & Start-Up Fair

Dear Entrepreneurs,

We would like to invite you to Harvard Business School’s annual
technology conference Cyberposium which is coming up on 11/11. If you
are located on the West Coast you may also be interested in our sister
conference Cyberwest also to be held on 11/11.

This year the conference has a great lineup of speakers including
Marissa Mayer, VP, Google; Ed Colligan, President and CEO, Palm; and
Carl Bass, President and CEO, Autodesk. It also has an entrepreneurship
fair featuring dynamic startups.

Our theme this year is “Need directions? Mapping future technology” and
some of our panels include Web 2.0, Mobile Devices, Business Models for
Telecom, Privacy and Security in the future and Financing Technology.
For the non-tech folks, it has great speakers on panels such as
HealthCare, Energy and Space. For those focused on digital media, some
of this year’s media oriented speakers will come from companies such as
Google, CNET, Sony among others.

Please see the attachment for more information on speakers and panels.
For more information and to register, please visit

For our Start-Up Fair we also have a few spots left. If you are
interested in showcasing your emerging technology at Cyberposium please
contact Bryan Langley (

Best regards,

Fabian Seelbach
Co-Chair Cyberposim 12
MBA Class of 2007
Harvard Business School

lundi, octobre 23, 2006

U.S. Senator Barack Obama's Secret Service Detail [Magna Cum Laude Harvard Law School]

Please consider helping me deliver a message to the White House that as a point of honor, Senator Obama’s Secret Service detail should scale and increase in quality as is necessary to protect him. I have no crystal ball, but I can imagine that he is receiving an increased number of threats already now that he is considering a run for the White House (as an identifiably black person). I don’t know whether he will formally run for President or not; if he does, the White House needs to deliver the message to him that he will be assigned the resources and quality needed to protect him and his family as he goes through this process.

As many of you may know he “was born in Hawaii in 1961 to an American mother and a Kenyan father. When he was two, his parents, who had met as students at the University of Hawaii, divorced. Obama's Harvard-educated father then returned to Kenya, where he worked in the economics ministry. Obama lived in Indonesia with his mother and stepfather for part of his childhood, returning to Hawaii to finish high school. He graduated from Columbia University, where he majored in political science and specialized in international relations. He then attended Harvard Law School, graduated magna cum laude, and served as the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review.”

Perry Gregg

P.S. If anyone has contacts in the Bush Administration please relay this message to them for consideration.

jeudi, octobre 19, 2006

USF School of Law - Third Annual Gala Auction

For those who enjoy gala fundraiser auctions (they can be a lot of fun, and this one has some great items such as golf for four at the Olympic Club, poker with James Brosnahan, senior partner at Morrison & Foerster, a weekend in Lake Tahoe, lunch with Bay Area politicians, and several restaurant gift certificates and travel packages). Proceeds support law students who are interested in pursuing public interest law careers and take unpaid summer jobs.

University of San Francisco School of Law and the Public Interest Law Foundation cordially invite you to attend the

Third Annual Gala Auction and Award Ceremony

Friday November 3, 5:30 to 9:00 pm
USF Kendrick Hall Rotunda ( get directions)

2130 Fulton St., San Francisco
Pre-registration is available here.
The auction promo flyer (with a list of some auction items) is available here.

USF School of Law Public Interest Law Foundation is proud to invite you to attend the Third Annual PILF Auction and Award Ceremony. Hundreds of USF law community members, students, faculty, staff, alumni, Bay Area attorneys, judges, and politicians will attend the Auction to enjoy a night of music, awards, and professional live auctioneers. We hope that you will join us!

Hosted reception to accompany auctions

Items include:

Golf for Four at the Olympic Club

Poker with James Brosnahan, senior partner at Morrison & Foerster

Wellness Package with spa treatment courtesy of Chakra Salon and Spa, and gift card from Bay Area Boot Camp

Weekend in Lake Tahoe

BarBri Review Course

San Francisco package including a suite at the Four Seasons

Hitchcock Vertigo Package including a 2-night stay at the York Hotel

Go Kids Package including a family yoga session with It's Yoga Kids

Lunches with Bay Area politicians

And much more!

You can also support the auction as a sponsor. If you are able to assist the PILF auction in another capacity, please contact us at We are grateful for your support!

[See also, harvard-china, harvard-cambridge-boston, harvard-middleeast and harvard-europe networks, & .]

Recommend this communication vehicle to grads you know in the area please. The list has a web log . Only agreed upon with the moderator; event, charitable and public announcements end up in the log. Please use category headers in your message's subject line HOUSING, JOB, CONCERT, ANNOUNCE, HELP, FYI, etc. If you are getting individual messages and that seems burdensome consider setting your list membership to daily digest mode.

harvard-sf branding is on . Click on,

to join.

Under Additional Information list harvard-sf in the Groups and Associations section on LinkedIn. The logo will then appear in your Profile when others view you on the system. Regards.

Perry Gregg
VP Engineering, VP Sales & Marketing

Board of Directors, Think Computer Corporation

lundi, octobre 16, 2006

Commercial Alert Discussion Thursday 10/19 [Vegetarian Sushi with KSG alum Gary Ruskin (MPP 92)]

KSG alum Gary Ruskin (MPP 92) will be San Francisco this Thursday to
talk about Commercial Alert ( and its on-going
campaigns to protect our communities and schools from excessive

~ Nik Carlson (MPP 92)

Please join us for vegetarian sushi, sake and conversation with:

* Peggy O'Mara, editor and publisher of Mothering magazine and chair of
Commercial Alert's board of directors
* Matt Gonzalez
* John Stauber, executive director of Center for Media and Democracy and
co-author of "The Best War Ever"
* Gary Ruskin, executive director of Commercial Alert

Thursday, October 19
6:30pm - 8:30pm
Catharine Clark Gallery
49 Geary Street, 2nd floor

Requested contribution to Commercial Alert: $30, $50, $100 or more

Commercial Alert protects communities and families from commercialism.
Commercial Alert's mission is to keep the commercial culture within its
proper sphere, and to prevent it from exploiting children and subverting
the higher values of family, community, environmental integrity and

RSVP online or by calling 503-235-8012.

dimanche, octobre 15, 2006

11/14 Full Impact Forum

For details:

“Full Impact Forum - Philanthropy 007: Agents of Change. This year's event will be held at City Hall on Wed. November 14th at 5:30 PM. It is the signature event for the Full Circle Fund.

The Forum showcases innovative models for creating sustainable change and inspires individuals to become leaders in the Bay Area Community! Last year's event sold out a few weeks in advance attracting over 400 entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, business executives, community leaders, philanthropists, and rising stars for an inspirational evening of civic engagement.
You have to register to attend.”


Aaron Greenspan on Friendster & Facebook 10/15


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