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vendredi, avril 14, 2006

Real Options for City Kids Benefit Thurs. April, 27th, 2006

[FYI. Perry]

"Get ready to party for a good cause! On Thursday, April 27th, please
join Rick Lewis (HBS '04) for a night of drinks, music, dancing, raffles
and a silent auction... all benefiting Real Options for City Kids,
serving the underprivileged youth of Visitation Valley (San Francisco).
We expect over 400 attendees... so, plan on meeting and greeting a lot
of great bay area people!

Learn more and sign up at


lundi, avril 03, 2006

Worldwide Query Garage Sale Old Tennis Racquets

It is time for my once a year plea for old

tennis racquets. Everyone has some

sort of “habit” and collecting tennis

racquets is mine. Obscure, weird ones,

whatever, let me know; I’ll buy it

from you.

Last year a grad in NY was kind enough

to hook me up with a woman’s stick

from the 1880s.

