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lundi, juin 27, 2005

Mentorship Forum (Thurs June 30, 2005, 7:00-9:45 PM)

"From: Ken Green,
Director of Mentorship
Harvard Club of Silicon Valley (HCSV)

Invitation to Harvard's Joint Mentorship Forum

You are invited to attend the Harvard Club of Silicon
Valley's Joint Mentorship Forum scheduled for Thursday
June 30, 2005 from 7:00-9:45PM at Arthur's Restaurant
(2875 Lakeside Drive, Santa Clara, CA. 95054. (408)
980-1666. [Directions are at the bottom]

As you may know, the Joint Mentorship Program itself
is a volunteer program which matches people within
and between alumni clubs in the San Francisco Bay Area
on all subjects of mentorship. For example,
someone in the Princeton Club of Northern California
who wants to be a mentor in engineering might be
matched with someone in the Harvard Club of Silicon
Valley who wants to be a mentee in engineering. We
make such matches for all fields and subject matters.
We make local, remote, and internet matches.

There are 16 different alumni clubs in the Bay Area
that are involved in the matching program, including
those for Harvard, Yale, MIT, Stanford, Princeton,
Brown, Cambridge, Oxford, Mount Holyoke, Smith,
Vassar, CAL State University at Hayward, Texas A&M,
and Wellesley. Anyone who wants to be matched can
fill-out the attached sign-up form, email the sign-up
form to Ken Green ( and he
will email the contact information for your match.
It's a free matching program!

But even if you are not signing-up for the the
mentorship match program, you are still invited to
attend the Joint Mentorship Forum/Conference on
Thursday June 30th, and bring others as well.

To make the venue convenient for networking, the venue
will be divided by industry areas. As examples, there
will be areas for engineers, lawyers, doctors,
writers, miscellaneous, etc.

The guest speaker will be Peter Han, a graduate of
Harvard University, and author of a book published by
Penguin Putnam called Nobodies to Somebodies: How 100
Great Careers Got Their Start. The book centers on
interviews that he did with 100 leaders in different
fields: Fortune 500 CEO's on business; Nobel Prize
winners in science; Senators, Governors, and Cabinet
members in politics; Emmy, Oscar, Tony, Pulitzer, and
Grammy winners in the arts; and others. In his book,
he specifically addresses the topic of mentorship and
how many leaders develop situational mentors
different people who help them at specific junctures
in their lives, in different ways rather than a
single, lifelong mentor. He also discusses the
different ways in which the 100 leaders benefited from
their mentors: domain expertise, professional
contacts, and particular job opportunities.

Peter Han will have a book-signing after his speech at
the forum.

There will be an information table at the entrance of
the forum. Each person will be charged $10 at the
entrance. [For those people who signed-up for the
match program in advance, the most current match list
will be on the information table].

There will be a no host bar where you can order drinks
and appetizers (seafood and Italian) upstairs in the
Mesentery of the restaurant.

Bring plenty of business cards to pass out to
contacts. There will be a bowl for business cards
on the table at the entrance. At 8:30 PM, a random
card will be selected from the bowl and the winner
will receive a Starbucks gift card.

The program for the evening will be as follows:
7:00 - 7:45 PM People arrive and begin networking.

7:45 - 8:00 PM Introduction of Program.

8:00 - 8:30 PM Peter Han Speaks.

8:30 - 8:35 PM Card Drawing for Star Bucks gift

8:35 - 9:45 PM More Networking.

Directions to Venue:

Venue: Arthur's Restaurant, 2875 Lakeside Drive,
Santa Clara, CA. Tel: (408) 980-1666.

Directions from NORTH:
1) US-101 South toward SAN JOSE
2) Take the BOWERS AVENUE exit toward
3) Merge onto BOWERS AVE. (0.1 miles)
4) Turn RIGHT onto AUGUSTINE DR. (0.1 miles)
5) Turn RIGHT onto LAKESIDE DR. (0.1 miles)
6) End at 2875 LAKESIDE DR.

Directions from SOUTH:
1) US-101 N toward SAN FRANCISCO.
2) Take the GREAT AMERICA PKWY exit
toward BOWERS AVENUE. (0.2 miles)
3) Turn SLIGHT LEFT to take the ramp
toward BOWERS AVE. (0.1 miles)
4) Turn LEFT onto GREAT AMERICA PKWY (0.1 miles)
6) Turn RIGHT onto AUGUSTINE DR. (0.1 miles)
7) Turn RIGHT onto LAKESIDE DR. (0.1 miles)
8) End at 2875 LAKESIDE DR."

samedi, juin 18, 2005

Reminder: Harvard-Cornell-[...] "Peops" SF Happy Hour Thurs. June 23rd, 2005 [Kennedy's Irish Pub

[Please post in appropriate places this "reminder"
invite to your respective "peops" school membership.
Admittedly this event is a "weird-ie" but a "goodie".
Innovation happens at the wacky intersection of the
unusual. Keep the RSVPs coming. It looks like we are
going to get good attendance and Kennedy's has
promised me they are stocking up for the occasion.
Embark on a hegira to the "peops" Happy Hour this
coming Thurs. after work. Perry]

You are invited to an open all ages, all programs,
Harvard grads and
State-Columbia-MIT alumni networking Happy Hour in
North Beach; 6 PM - 9 PM Thursday, June 23rd, 2005 at
Kennedy's Irish Pub and Curry House, 1040 Columbus
Ave., San Francisco. *** Please RSVP to me at .

Welcome SF Hokies (Va Tech), Georgetown, University of
Arizona and Michigan State alums to this one.

[This Happy Hour is predicated on the one I arranged
in April 2005 where we packed both levels of the Jade
bar Hayes Valley on Gough; and remember the version at
Tonic, Harvard-Cornell-Univ. of Fla-UNC-Columbia-MIT
in the Russian Hill district we had before that.]


Perry Gregg
VP Communications, Board of Directors
Harvard Club of San Francisco
Nob Hill
800 Powell Street
San Francisco, California 94108

dimanche, juin 12, 2005

Public Oakland Elementary School Teacher Seeks Grads To Talk To Her Class

Received an e-mail yesterday. A public school teacher
in a challenged area of Oakland would like a couple of
alums to talk to her elementary school class about
going to Harvard and what it takes to do so. She has
a number of gifted students from many backgrounds and
cultures she says. This will occur when the school
year kicks back up again after the summer. If you
would like to volunteer to talk to these kids please
let me know off-line of the list. I hope to have at
least 2 people going and more would be appreciated I'm


Perry Gregg
VP Communications, Board of Directors
Harvard Club of San Francisco
Nob Hill
800 Powell Street
San Francisco, California 94108

Start With Harvard's Web Site For Going To Harvard

It is said different ways, and recently a County
educator is asking, what does it take for kids to go
to Harvard. The first place to go for information on
how to attend Harvard as an undergraduate is the web
site . Other school admission
policies are documented there too.

For the College program check the Frequently Asked
Questions page:


Perry Gregg
VP Communications, Board of Directors
Harvard Club of San Francisco
Nob Hill
800 Powell Street
San Francisco, California 94108

mardi, juin 07, 2005

Forwarding For Bom Kim '00 Citing Summers' Articles

"Mr. Gregg,

I know that you manage and belong to some Yahoo Groups
on the West Coast (and perhaps even elsewhere), and I
thought you and the other Harvard alumni that you have
access to might find this interesting: it is a story
that just broke in the media about a new poll on the
alumni's opinion of Summers.

The New York Times:

Boston Globe:


[place above on one browser line]

You can find the full poll results and article at

If you find these interesting, I would appreciate your
help in spreading the word about 02138 and the poll to
our fellow alumni. Our fall issue will feature 'The
Harvard 100' the 100 most powerful Harvard alumni
which should be a fun and informative piece about the
fascinating successes of our community.

I hope you find the magazine compelling and thank you
in advance for your help.


Bom Kim '00"

samedi, juin 04, 2005

Harvard-Cornell-[...] "Peops" SF Happy Hour Thurs. June 23rd, 2005 [Kennedy's Irish Pub]

[Please post in appropriate places this invite to your
respective "peops" school membership. Admittedly this
event is a "weird-ie" but a "goodie". Innovation
happens at the wacky intersection of the unusual.

You are invited to an open all ages, all programs,
Harvard grads and
State-Columbia-MIT alumni networking Happy Hour; 6 PM
- 9 PM Thursday, June 23rd, 2005 at Kennedy's Irish
Pub and Curry House, 1040 Columbus. *** Please RSVP
to me at .

Welcome SF Hokies (Va Tech), Georgetown, University of
Arizona and Michigan State alums to this one.

[This Happy Hour is predicated on the one I arranged
in April 2005 where we packed both levels of the Jade
bar on Gough; and remember the one at Tonic
Harvard-Cornell-Univ. of Fla-UNC-Columbia-MIT in the
Russian Hill district we had before that.]


Perry Gregg
VP Communications, Board of Directors
Harvard Club of San Francisco
Nob Hill
800 Powell Street
San Francisco, California 94108

mercredi, juin 01, 2005

Former Apple Employees Tog Out On LinkedIn [NeXT Too]

Created a LinkedIn association for current and former
Apple Computer employees world-wide [used to be an
Engineering Manager for them]; to join:

The web site for discussion is:

If you used to work at NeXT [was Director of Software
there at one time] the links respectively are:

Your position listing needs to be in your LinkedIn
profile for me to approve you on that system. The
discussion lists are moderated. Regards.


* * *

Perry Gregg
VP Communications, Board of Directors
Harvard Club of San Francisco
Nob Hill
800 Powell Street
San Francisco, California 94108

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